Showing posts with label Denmark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Denmark. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Laura, Lora, Luli, Lulu, Lali

Oh...I saw a great documentary today on human right abuses in China, called "China Blue". It was really touching and it hurts to acknowledge that such abuses happen in the world, just so we can wear a damn pair of jeans...which is bought from the Chinese producer with 4.1$/pair and sold in the West with even more than 100$/pair.

Buhu...I have a flat tyre on my bike :( I small piece of glass managed to break through my tyre this morning when I was coming from work. Devastating...since the bike is the only way I can get around... especially to work in the morning. Luckily there are shops where they sale and repair bikes everywhere. With my puppy...begging for mercy face, I managed to convince the guys at the shop to repair it in the same day, because I would've been dead otherwise. It costed me 92 dkk (about 13 euro) for a tiny little hole...but I guess I had no other option...and they know it is too far to walk with a flat tyre (because you are not allowed to take bikes on the bus) till the city centre  where it would have costed me only 60 dkk for the same job. least a have a mean of transportation again...

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Broken strings

I feel so lazy…and tomorrow the action starts again. Doing nothing gets me so tired and lazy…My mind is field with controversial thoughts right now…about many things…my personal conclusion is that the world is completely f**ked and this is only because people live in it…we are so weird, difficult, impossible to understand and selfish that we became blind to everything…all in all we are nothing but some stupid asses destroying everything we don’t really have to pay for (nature, feelings, relationships, ideologies etc.). I'm a bit broken...

Though I was pessimistic about the Martisor last weekend on Monday my Bulgarian classmate surprised me with one. I think it's the most beautiful Martisor I ever's a girl made of red and white threads, just like the one in my previous post...and I felt weird getting one in Denmark from someone in Bulgaria. They call the celebration "Baba Marta" and the idea behind the celebration is the same as in Romania. I don't know the roots of the celebration, because they didn't have it in it's not coming for Russia. (need of further research at some point in this life)

On Wednesday I felt like an workacholic or a money addict. I worked more that ever - 3 hours of cleaning, 3 hours Romanian classes with Rein (which by the way are weird, I never imagined how difficult it is to explain Romanian to someone), 4 hours of projecting for LSRS and at the end of the day again 6 hours of cleaning (because Marketa went to Copenhagen with her Czech friends who came to visit). Yes...I was dead at the end of the day. But at least I had a no cleaning day on Friday...though it was a long day at school.

I made MUCENICIIIII!!!!!!!!! I am a true Ratatouille.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Last day of winter – First day of spring

I am starting to get the meaning and hidden logic of my blog. It gives me the opportunity to look back and see what I was doing last year in the same period, what my thoughts were and even how I looked. I love this…especially because of my gold fish memory.

Today it’s basically the start of my favourite period of the year. This is because the sun starts shining again, nature blossoms, hope resurrects, we stop hibernating and head for a prolific, fun year and of course I have my birthday. I’m a bit sorry to miss all the “Martisor” commotion, but I feel it more from here than when I was at home, maybe because for the first time the financial frustration of buying things disappeared and I truly enjoy the first day of spring in red and white. Still, I imagine my Bucharest crowded with people desperately trying to find something special this year to give the loved ones. I imagine everybody wearing the white and red thread around their wrists or on their chest. I miss the thread I always used to have around my wrist...I'm not going to have it this year I guess, as nobody is going to give me a Martisor.

This week I tried to push myself physically a bit too much. I decided to go to the gym. And it was a wise decision to take…if only I would learn not to exaggerate with things when I start doing them. My muscles hurt like hell…especially my legs, which in my mind should have already been trained from cycling. Anyway, this week I went to Tae Bo, Funk and Boxing - twice. I'm going to pursue the boxing thing because it is really relaxing to do something aggressive and get the hunger to scream and run out in another way. I will also try some other programs and maybe by the end of this week decide what is better for my body and mind. And…oh my God…I went to the solar…for the first time and I didn't change my colour one bit…but I will peruse…not till I get a carbonised look, but till I get some colour.

On Tuesday we had the Festvalen for International Students, so I made up a quick costume (cat) and went, even if I had a really full day. It was good to see people again but we didn't stay long, because we had to wake up at 4 the next day.

Tomorrow I'm sending my application to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I decided to apply for the Embassy in Madrid or the Romanian UNESCO representation in Paris. I don’t know which I would prefer…I just hope I get accepted…so fingers crossed for me…If I get it I will spend my summer (July – September) far from home and under the sun.

And this week I got my first salary…yuuppyyy…they pay here for 2 weeks every 2 weeks… a strange system for me, because basically after one month of work I received the money for two weeks and things are getting a bit delayed…so I got just enough money to pay my rent. I hope I’ll manage to raise some money for summer in this rhythm…I have to stop myself from buying unnecessary things, especialy food – a difficult thing to achieve in my case.

To celebrate the first day of spring we went on a walk through a forest which used to be glacier 15000 years ago and where they found some ancient thumbs and then on a beautiful beach.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Vibing with nature

Yesterday we had a walk through the natural landscape of Aarhus. We were actually planning on taking a bath but it started snowing before we got to the beach. Still our hopes for taking a bath soon are high because we saw the first spring signs, snowbells. I was again mesmerised by the beautiful houses on the beach, of which I am going to take pictures at some point. I would love to leave in one of those houses, even though it's Denmark.

Now...the story with the "comforters" tree (last picture) is that someone started some sort of tradition. When babies get a bit too old for comforters they come here with their moms, put the comforter in the tree, with a message or something, and never use one again. I think it's pretty smart and non traumatic.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday Bar or Tipsy Friday

Every Friday, or almost, the IS/ES Master programs have their Friday Bar. The concept of FB is general as all departments have one. The FB is organised inside the school but you are allowed to drink anything. This is like a little class party on every Friday to celebrate the passing week. It surprised me at at first but now it's starting to grow on me. And this Friday we had the Fastelavn which is some sort of Danish Halloween ..I did not have a costume because I suck at that.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Genetic laws

Today I had my first class in Cultural Analyses. This is more of an anthropological class, but even so it is very interesting. I hope that I will manage to understand and create my own idea on why there are so many differences between the cultures of the world if we consider that we all have the same origins.

I decided to write something about the Scandinavian genetic law, which in my opinion says a lot about their character and the way the society is built, that is equal – homogenous. From what I understood, the Danes particularly, refuse to accept that this is how they are, maybe because it’s a proof for their lack of emotions and reactions.

The Jante law
The Jante law is an unwritten law that can be applied to the people leaving in the Northern part of Europe, mostly the Scandinavians. The basic concept of the law is: Don't think you're anyone special or that you're better than us.

The law has ten rules:
1. Don't think that you are special.
2. Don't think that you are of the same standing as us.
3. Don't think that you are smarter than us.
4. Don't fancy yourself as being better than us.
5. Don't think that you know more than us.
6. Don't think that you are more important than us.
7. Don't think that you are good at anything.
8. Don't laugh at us.
9. Don't think that anyone cares about you.
10. Don't think that you can teach us anything.

The us in the rules does not refer necessarily to how people outside the countries view the Scandivanians, but also to how they treat eachother. The law is directly related to the Lagom theory, which is actualy a swedish word that means “just the right amount”. Never more, never less…always what is requested.

The idea behind this can also be found in other parts of the world such as Australia and New Zeeleand, under the term Tall Poppy Syndrome. Someone is said to be a target of tall poppy syndrome when his or her assumption of a higher economic, social, or political position is criticized as being presumptuous, attention seeking, or without merit.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

So girlish

Yesterday I had such a girlish day. I always wished I was a boy, but sometimes I get remained how fun it can actually be being a girl. I had to kill my Valentine's Day demons...and though I was a bit afraid of the atmosphere in the city I went out with Marketa. To my surprise, even though it should be celebrated, this day seems to have absolutely no relevance here. Other than some guys with flowers there was absolutely nothing organised...which of course pleased me. The weather was unbelievably nice and we wanted to go to the beach, but we ended up by drowning in shopping...and maybe we exaggerated a least I did.

The day continued in the same dyeing Marketa's hair.

And we ended the night with an Erasmus party, where I was lucky to meet some of my classmates and former classmates like Christoph and Romaine.

Today it's snowing...typical Danish never know what you're going to get the next day. Fits right?!

Monday, February 09, 2009


The moment when you acknowledge the true meaning of what weekend is, becomes a moment that will stay with you forever. From that point on everything becomes routine, so the feeling will not be present anymore.

I didn't wake up late, but I woke up later than the previous week (4 in the morning), so I really felt like I was sleeping forever. No more insomnia for me...just deep sleeping and beautiful dreams.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Working class hero in Aarhus

My first week of work in Denmark is over. Tomorrow I will finally wake up at a normal hour, not 4 o'clock in the morning, and enjoy my breakfast. I never thought I would say this, but I have to start learning more. Physical labour is ten times worse than mental labour. I would rather stay 10 hours locked in an office thinking about projects or doing whatever, than cleaning a 3-floored large building in 3 hours. I feel the stress double from all the others jobs I had till now, not only because I wake up earlier than ever, but also because you have to finish in a given time and make it shine. The good part is that I get to experience this and start to see things a bit differently. I never knew that a cleaning job could do that to me. Anyway, I will keep on doing it till May. I also solved the problem with my taxes here. They have a difficult to understand, but very helpful social system. They pay taxes according to their revenue. The more you earn the more you pay for tax. Taxes are 8%, 38% or 60%. A person who starts working for the first time or earns very little, gets only 8% (which is the mandatory health insurance) taken out of the revenue. When you reach a specific amount taken out of your revenue through taxes, you pass to the 38% and so on. Usually, people with two jobs or money both from school and a job have 60% taken. For now I am on the 8% scheme. So, I will earn from cleaning 3 hours/day almost double to what I was earning at home for sitting 8 hours/day at the office. But I swear this is 10 times more stressful and I feel 10 times more tired. Working conditions are good though and they care about employees. We have almost everything we need to make cleaning easier (or I hope we will soon have). I will see in time how this whole thing goes, especially from the employer-employee perspective.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Nightlife in Aarhus

Last night I realized that I forgot the feeling of coming home drunk by bike at 5 o’clock in the morning. There are usually two options, you either become more responsible, because you know you are drunk and by the time you get home the alcohol effect is totally gone, or you fall off the bike several times or forget the way home. Because it was Alice’s birthday, the first weekend when we were all here, the last weekend before school starts and the last weekend before me and Marketa start work…we had pretty good reasons to go out last night. Before going out, we met at the kolegium for Alice’s birthday. We ate some cake and very good Turkish breads (which I will learn how to make), we sang karaoke and drank Becherovka (a strong Czech herbal alcohol).

Aarhus on Saturday night looked the same as before holidays and probably the same as it has always looked and will look. Drunk people everywhere, there is no age limit for being drunk in the middle of the night on the street here, so the landscape is very diverse. Usually you expect a lot of violence in such a scene, but there is non here. People are talking to themselves, screaming, falling etc…but nobody is violent. The difference this time is that they seem to have a new rule about age limit in clubs. Before leaving the age limit was 18 or 21 in some clubs, but now they have 20 on Friday and 23 on Saturday both in clubs and bars. We managed to sneak in a bar when the bodyguard left for a few minutes. The atmosphere inside was a bit unexpected. This was a regular bar turned into a club and it was full of Danes. We were the only strange international people there. Though I was only with friends, the club’s vibe was bad. They were playing only old or new, but crappy, Danish pop and just a few older English songs, and there wasn't a style of music…they were playing rap after house after pop and oldies…it was chaotic. We weren't really enjoying, but the Danes seemed to be more than excited about the music. Everybody was dressed very posh, as if it was some expensive club. The girls here look just like the girls who everybody talks about some much at home. They wear a tone of make up and colourful  showing off clothing. They are eager for attention and hit on guys. They clearly come out because they want to leave with someone and they get really wasted. They seem to enjoy it, even if from the outside it looks disgusting. But, from what I understood, the habit of girls hitting on boys is very common in the Northern countries. They are usually the ones who invite out boys and buy them drinks…These are all pure observations and I might be wrong because I didn't leave here for so long. This semester I will maybe focus more on the behaviour of Danes and go out more. In my “circle of trust” things are working better and better. Yesterday something really nice happened. Because we weren't in an international, but a purely Danish environment, protection instincts came to surface and every time a guy was getting to close to one of us the others would step in and slowly rescue them. It was a very nice feeling of inner protection and trust, realizing that you can rely on the people that don’t speak the same language as you.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

My lucky day

After yesterday I was at the top of depression, today I tried to put myself together and start doing something instead of crying. Before going to bed I asked Marketa to cut off 3-4 cm from my hair. I did it because I had to cut it anyway, but also because this is good therapy for me. My other problem solving therapy is shopping, but since I don't have any money... I woke up thinking about home as usual, but I knew I had no time to start crying my eyes out, so I opened my e-mail fast to see if any good news will make my day brighter.

The accountant from school still didn't solve the problem with my money for rent, but I wasn't going to let this ruin my day...I acted quickly and sent her an e-mail explaining as best as I could that what I am saying is right and provable. I didn't wait for an answer, as I had to meet with Laura, my Romanian friend here, and go search for a job.

Our tour of the warehouses in the harbour was without success. We first went to a place we found on the internet, where they were suppose to hire people to wrap fruit. But to our surprise when we got there a man in a white gown covered with blood greeted us. We realised that it has nothing to do with fruit, but still we asked about a job. He smiled warmly and told us "we don't have any women working here...this is a slaughter house". The sound of that, sent shivers down my spine and when we turned, we saw a truck full of cows and one of them was sticking its head up...I realised that it was going to be someone’s dinner in a few days. We continued our job trip and ended up in a movie producing office. A big office, with lot of very posh looking people. Laura didn’t want to go, but I perused her. I knew we wouldn't find a job in there, but I was curious about what the offices looked like. We left convinced we aren't going to find anything. Still I was had to end well...I had that in my mind and it had to go according to plan. After crossing the city with our bikes we decided to head home. On my way home I met Marketa, who was just coming from school. I told her about my great adventure and we decided to go to another place where we knew there were some offices. Most of them had to do with cleaning and I knew about ISS (an international cleaning company). We went through each and every single one, but nothing. In the end we went in ISS. Of course at the beginning they said they don't have anything for us, but we can fill in a form and they will call us. I heard this a thousand times and was a bit disappointed that my day wouldn't be as great as I thought. But after we handed in the forms the lady asked us to wait for a few minutes and went in the back. Later a nice girl came and took us for an interview. In half an hour we were out with our new uniforms and a job contract for at least one month.

So, I will work together with Marketa in a school, everyday from 5 to 8 in the morning except I will finally feel useful...and I will have monnnneeeeyyyyy. I hope that in this way I will come to peace with my cleaning obsession and maybe even start hating it.

Other things that made my day:
- I found a mobile phone
- I solved the problem with my money for rent
- I got an offer to join LSRS for some projects
- Alice returned
- I am going to a small party

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Back to Aarhus

This Saturday I got back to Aarhus. My heart is not as opened as I hoped for this return. I found the same calm city I left behind... nothing new. The Christmas decorations have been taken away and also the financial crises seems to have arrived here too, because some stores have been closed and others have final sales, which means they are going to be closed soon.

I have a new room, Mara's room. I moved the furniture before leaving because I wanted to find it nice and not depressing. Not that it worked but, at least I don't feel like I'm leaving in a hallway.

Now I’m waiting for school to start and hoping to find a job. I feel useless and I have a lot of time I'm just loosing by sitting and doing nothing...just getting depressed. Right now...I am not happy.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Traveler's bag

I have a new apartment mate. Her name is Edita (nice name) and she, just like Marketa, is from Czech Republic. She studies molecular biology and came here because, she says, Aarhus University offers the best research in this field in Europe. I don’t want to be arrogant and/or ignorant so…I will just let myself discover her in time and not put a mark on her forehead before knowing what she’s all about. Playing smart-ass is not for me anymore.

Discovering the things she brought with her, in her bag, from home…made me think how responsible we, as travelers, are, and how our inner comes out in objects we choose to put in the never too big bag we take with us. I was very surprised when Marketa told me that Edita brought with her a pot from Prague. A pot made by Ikea, which is a multinational company and Scandinavian based. What is striking is how, even if the world gets smaller and smaller with all these globalization processes, we still tend to get stuff in our bags which could be bought wherever we would go, made by the same brand and most probably at the same price (especially in the EU).

Than I started to think about my bag…and Marketa’s bag…and other people’s bags…Me, for example, I only take clothes, cosmetics, medicine and a book or two (not to get bored). I never take survival stuff, not even towels…unless my mother would remind me. I don’t know why I do that. I always buy other clothes where I go and wear those, not the ones I take with me, and I always have problems packing. Another example is Marketa. When she came to Aarhus, she came with an empty big trolley. At the begging I didn’t get it, but than it all made sense. Because she didn’t want to have a heavy bag when arriving for the first time in a city she didn’t know anything about, she just took an empty one, which would be filled when she would return. Her parents sent her everything a few weeks later by post mail. On the other hand, Mara came with a bag bigger than mine, twice as big. But I never knew what she had in it. She didn’t have so many clothes, no food, no books…it’s a mistery. The second time we came here doesn’t count…it only counts what you get with you the first time you go to a place you’ve never been before.

I was thinking about making a survey just for my own personal amusement.
So what does your bag look like?!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The flight

I finally managed to find a socket in Vienna airport. I finished the battery on my laptop in Copenhagen airport and I couldn't find a socket there to plug it and charge it. So, because I had nothing to do till 5 am when my check in started I tried to sleep. I returned to the scene of the crime (the exact same place where I slept with the girls in October)…but this time it was different. I couldn't sleep as good as back then…actually I managed to sleep two hours all night…the lack of a sleeping bag…the fact that I had to sleep with my head on my bag and the girls not being there, made things more difficult. Also, this time the airport was very noisy…I can’t recall if there were a lot of people in October, but now it was kinnda full…I guess the holiday thing kicks in everywhere.

Leaving Copenhagen
After check in I headed for the gate…I was happy cause I found out that my bag is going straight to Bucharest and I don’t have to pick it up when I get to Vienna. It was dark outside and I could barely see the planes through the window while waiting for boarding. I also realized it was raining kinnda hard and I got a bit scared. It’s the first timing I am flying in winter and I am a bit afraid…the feelings you always get when you do something new. I didn't realize until we got on the plane how big it was. The darkness hid more than half of its size. It was an Austian Airline’s plane (Austrian Arrows)…mostly with Romanians and Indians on board. I realized I was surrounded by Romanians in the boarding room. At the begging I thought it’s just my imagination…but I looked at their passports…their Romanian appearance was officially id-ed by their passport. I kept wondering if they think the same…if I look Romanian myself just like them…they were looking at me…but I don’t know if it was my staring that bothering them or the curiosity they had to find if they guessed my nationality. When I entered the flight…classical music filled my ears…I guess the captain wanted to keep it traditional Mozart. They were really nice…I would like to fly with them again…they also gave us a tasty breakfast…warm croissant and tea…I sat next to a Danish woman and I could understand most of what she was saying but wasn’t able to answer…I have to work on that too in my poor must be pretty important to answer in a conversation in order to make it a conversation.

Now the best part…the actual flight. As I was saying I never flew in winter before…or whatever this weather can be called. It was raining and I was a bit scared as we took off. I thought that’s how it’s going to be all the way…dark and wet. So, I thought I would close my eyes and sleep…but at some point I opened them…and saw the most beautiful thing ever. Nothing can beat this…I am sure. Under the plane there was an ocean of clouds. Land was absolutely nowhere in sight…just clouds…dark clouds…and ahead…at the same line with my sight...the most beautiful sun rise I have ever seen. There cannot be anything more beautiful…above us was all clear and the sunlight of the sun rise was marking a red-yellow-orange line between the ocean of clouds and the light blue nothingness from above. Incredibly beautiful…again I was thinking “why don’t I have a f*****g camera?!” After a while the sun rise ended and there was light everywhere…but a different type of light…it was icy…and just then I realized that the raindrops on the window turned in ice flowers. At some point I fell asleep and woke up hearing the captain’s voice telling us to prepare for landing. The wind was strong and they made some maneuvers with the wings so equilibrate the plane.

Half way home - Vienna airport
I’m actually staying in the boarding area…after security check…so I can’t really see what the airport looks like…but it seams big. My job now, because I’m too tired to read or do something that uses my brain too much, is staring at people. I never actually did that…I think this is the best place if you want to build a cosmopolite image. Some are bothered by my staring and look back…other just pass without turning their head :). I still have about 3 hours of doing nothing. Oh, I forgot! Austria is very green from above…I wonder if Romania is going to be the same. Still, the leafless trees looked so muddy. At the begging I thought there was a flood or something and they were covered in mud…just after my tired brain realized that well…they don’t have leafs in this season…so I just imagined they were chocolate trees, to make it feel nicer.

Vienna – Bucharest
The flight was so full that they were giving away special offers to stay one more night in Vienna with everything paid plus extra money for Christmas gifts…of course nobody was going for that…they were all waiting to go home as soon as possible. Again a huge plane, classical music and very good food…this airline has the best plane food ever…Outside the window the view was different because this time the sun was already up. The glamour now was the rainbow reflected on the clouds. I took a peep on the other side, were the sun was shining directly as saw that everything was golden there. Again the ocean of clouds underneath us seemed to facing a storm as the clouds locked like waves, aggressively knocking in each other. I couldn't sleep, though I could feel that I was extremely exhausted, my heart was beating ten times faster when we went out of the clouds and I could see the land of Romania. Again, because I don’t want to think of it that way I am not going to write about what I saw and what for a fraction of second was in my mind…I only want to remember the pleasant feeling of being home.

Too my surprise, they did not lose my luggage in Vienna.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Leaving Aarhus bag is packed...waiting for me at the door. I managed again to get it so full that I could barely close it and had to take out a few stuff. I guess I will never learn how much is too much for a travel bag. I have another bag with this semester's books and compendiums...They are heavier than the clothes bag but I have to take home...otherwise I would throw them away...and as much as I would like to do that and get rid of the bad memories they bring, I admit it would be a waste. I cleaned the apartment...I just have to take out the garbage when I leave...oh and Marketa's bike to the basement. By the looks of it, I only have to get dressed and leave. But I guess the excitement of leaving made move to fast and now I have to wait for at least another six hours till I can leave.

Aarhus is unbelievably sunny today. It hasn't been like this in a few weeks...since my relaxation walk with Mara about a month ago. I guess my excitement and happiness is so strong that it influenced the weather. :)...I'll miss these kind of days here...if Marketa was home we would go jogging for sure.

Bus 16 will be here, aka Emmasvej, at 18:09. I'm not going to go straight to the train station, as I have to hand in my key to the International Secretariat. Thanks to their rules I will have to drag all my luggage to school...put the envelope with the key, the washing card and the new contract in their post box and only than head for the train station. The last train to Copenhagen Airport leaves at 22:40, but I think I'm going to take one that's around's better to wait in the airport...its safer...and I kinnda know it from my adventure in October. I will also have time to weight my luggage and remake it or throw away stuff if it's too heavy...though I wouldn't like to think to that as a possibility. My flight leaves Copenhagen Airport on Saturday at 07...something in the morning...the bad part is that it's not going straight to Otopeni…but to Vienna. So I will spend some quality hours in Vienna’s airport too. If there’s anything I'm becoming an expert's airports :)...My odyssey will finish Saturday at 16:30...when hopefully without any incidents and with my luggage not lost :D...I will be in Bucharest...

I guess it pays to get home these days...but the effort is worth it...I will be complete again :)

Monday, December 15, 2008

It's always good-bye to somebody

Good-byes started as the holidays are getting closer. It's weird being an "international student"...Before coming here I was thinking about how my room mates would be, how my class mates would all my new friends will be. I was sure there has to be someone I would not get along with or whose habits would piss me off...but here I am crying my eyes out for people I only know for a few months but feel so related to. The experience is just like the feelings that cannot be explained. Most of the people will be here next semester too, but others will not.

Tonight Mara left. Her imperfect way of being makes me already miss her. I stayed with her in her room as she was packing...concerning about the weight of the bag. I barely kept the tears when she hugged me and said good-bye. She said I should take it as "see ya'"...but I know chances are it's not going to be like that. I will miss everything about her...the talking, the funny walks we had, our stupid jokes...her camera :)...The photo she left for us on the fridge will make me feel like she's still here every morning.

I guess it's not just Mara...its realizing that at some point we will all have to say good-bye and the more time passes the harder it gets. This is different from saying it to people at home because I am more than sure I will see them again.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

My ride

Because I am so good at procrastinating, instead of starting to do the accounting things I MUST LEARN FOR MY EXAM ON MONDAY, I will just write something here. Usually when I try to stall time and not do what I have to do, I do my nails, take a shower, vacuum or randomly clean my room (and if my room is clean I will just clean other rooms - like the kitchen, the kitchen is always dirty), go shopping for something/anything...brush my teeth a hundred times a day if this helps me not do what I am suppose to do...and other similar things. This procrastination thing became so popular...I didn't actually know they had another word in English, a more sophisticated one, that describes being lazy. I have no idea how to translate this word in Romanian.

Anyway...I decided to write something about my ride - my bike. I was thinking that going home will also mean not having to ride it for one month. As much as I am excited about going by bus and other transportation methods that rely on motors, it is going to be weird. I developed a special relation with my bike. I named it and I take care of it. And I even helped it make some friends. Last night, when we left Lina's house, my poor bike was frozen, but it never looked so beautiful. The frozen black paint shined so nice...I felt like in a fairytale while riding it. Also my bike never let me down. It never has some problems with the hand brakes, but that's because I have to change them (probably in spring). I can always rely on it...I don't have to think about when the last bus is coming, because I can just take my bike at anytime and ride home. It's a lot like a car...but breath some fresh air, you exercise, you can interact with the environment around you and you have a lot of time on your own to think about anything, you also park it and put it in the garage (aka the basement) when it's cold and raining, because you don't want it to rust. I did have two accidents with it but nothing serious. I also like how I can add all sort of accessories to it - seat cover, basket, helmet  lights (white light for the front, red light for the back) and I've seen a lot of people putting artificial flowers around the basket so that it looks nicer. In spring I am going to make a photo album of Aarhus bikes.

I wonder if Bucharest is ever going to have bicycles.

Still I hope I'll get my driver's licence this summer...this is definetly on my resolution's list.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My additions

Today, I, Marketa and Alice pierced our ears. We decided to pierce the upper side of our ear when we went in our October Scandinavian trip, but never thought we would actually do it. Because there are just a few days left till we are all going home for holidays we decided to do it. This is a nice memory from Aarhus...a memory I will always have with me. It was a bit strange because I never had a piecing done with the thing which just puts the earring in the ear...I was a bit scared and excited before the small trigger was pushed.

A review of all my additions:
- 1 pierce in the left side of the lower lip
- 1 pierce in my left ear
- 6 pierces in my right ear
- 2 tattoos

There is place for more and I know I will not hold my self from doing something next year too, especially if I will be leaving somewhere else.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

The simple things I want to do

- play Sims with Bianca
- take out Lolita
- go to my great grandmother’s grave and light a candle, probably (for sure) cry
- sleep with Ana and Irina in Ana's bed :) - it has to be all three of us (Ana, I will wash the dishes and cook if you agree to adopt me)
- meet with all the people I know (or almost...I don't know if they all want to)
- have a burger or two with my old friend, Cata (or more than long as it includes talking)
- clean my room (even if it's clean, it has to be Laura style cleaning)
- go by tram, trolleybus, bus(anything but bike)...oh and metro
- wax (thank you Ana for making this possible)
- go through everything I left home to make sure I didn’t forget them (clothes, books, cds, magazines, pictures, bags, hats, shoes etc) – I miss all my stuff so much, I love the lifeless, plastic, artificial, materialistic side of me
- no more speaking English
- wear ironed clothes (as much as I hate this and though I thought I would never say it, I'm tired of looking as if I just came out of the washing machine)
- eat fat food, meat and toxic stuff (anything but vegetables, fruits and cereals)
- drink anything but tea and milk
- as a result from the two above - get fat :)
- do Tae Bo with Ana (to burn the fat)
- meet with Alex (I owe it and I'm doing it because I love you not because you will hate me and haunt me in my dreams telling me what a bitch I am)
- see snow (there is no winter without snow and if I don't see it at home I will probably not see it this year - make snow angels and play like a dog that hasn't been out for days)
- slap Dan (because he deserves it :)
- visit my work mates
- go to Ana's place, stay in the kitchen and chit chat till forever
- go in a supermarket right before Christmas when it's really crowded (I miss the crowd)
- get stuck in traffic
- take a long, hot bath (I'm starting to hate the lacks feelings)
- eat rum chocolate (:D - I'm still thinking about it) and any kind of chocolate I get my hands/mouth on
- go to Mini Prix with Ana and Irina and try on stuff
- get glasses (I'm blind)
- see thousands of movies
- not learn anything, not read anything about history, law and accounting
- not sleep for one month (totally unrealistic but I can try)
- go to the new place Ana's dancing at and dance with her all night long and leave together really early in the morning
- walk through Bucharest (not by night - I can remember the pleasure of always looking back and being paranoid about people following me - I don't really miss that)

The above list is absolutely random and I will add stuff that go through my mind till I'll be home, print it and do them. I never thought I would be so excited about going home - I have butterflies in my stomach and I get the same feeling I get when I am in love or going to have blood taken for analyses - speechless and scared, feeling like fainting but trying not to show it.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Still green but without leafs

- this is a very popular Danish song I always hear when I turn on the radio -

This week my fourth month of Denmark started. I can’t believe it's my forth month...time passed really fast and I'm starting to think that I should really use it smart. Sleeping and doing useless stuff doesn't help me build memories and feelings. On Monday, 1st of December, we had our national day. This was probably the first time when I didn't enjoy the idea of the celebration, because I never actually feast and I think nobody does. In stead of enjoying a long weekend like the people at home, I woke up at 7 and went to school to study history with my study group. We had 7 hours of history and my head was completely knocked at the end of the day. I couldn't sleep during the night, because on the 2nd I had the exam, my first one here and I was so nervous about how it was going to be. I built theories about the subject I'm going to get and tried to create answers.

Tuesday, the exam day, I woke up extremely tired. I realized that I think well when I am tired and I am able to concentrate better, because I stop caring about what I'm saying and doing. The exam was better that I thought...or at least that's what I'm saying now...I will see how well it was after I get my result. It was a hand written exam, and Hagen created a big fuss. Everybody was intrigued that in 21st century we have to take hand written exams and not use our laptops. I don't know if this is snobbish and arrogant but they all shared the same idea. Ohhh....these Western kids :). It was a 4 hour exam and I kinnda finished in the first hour. I had no idea what else to write and I was ashamed/afraid to hand it in so fast, because of being weird. So I reread it 4 times, searched in the dictionary for different words to check my spelling...till a girl got up and handed in her essay. I felt relieved for not being the only one and quickly got up and gave it to Hagen. It was good that I finished so fast, because the next day I had a presentation in law and was suppose to prepare my Power Point part of the presentation...and didn't :D. So I had time to do it through lunch in the State library.

We had to create a product and build a company with plans to expand somewhere in the world, talk about the type of clauses we will include in our contracts, type of clients we are going to have, transportation regulations and intellectual property issues(patent, trade mark stuff...etc). We made a Danish company - Greeny toys - selling organic wooden toys under the name of Greeny. We did it in a hurry and we were sure it was going to be crap comparing to the others. But we had a surprise on Wednesday after the presentation...

Anyway...after my exam on Tuesday and finishing our law presentation I went home. The girls were going out to Student House and of course I joined. I couldn't miss that, especially since it was the last International Student's party this semester. I'm glad I went because it was one of the best. I also met with the Romanian girls and shared some time together. People...donuts...mulled wine…games...painting and of course fussball. I won 4 crappy Christmas presents in a dice throwing game. I got 6 for 5 times but they stole one of my presents. I guess when you get unlucky in certain fields you become lucky in others...I should probably start gambling in this period...I might win something good.

Wednesday I had to wake up at 7 again...for the law presentation. I was feeling cranky and I was tired. I didn't feel like presenting anything and had a mean attitude. This helped me during the presentation, because I answered all the questions people asked very straight forward without hesitations...and in the end...this brought us the 1st pries. It was a total shock, because we thought we wouldn't get anything...but we won...a box of chocolates :)...sweet victory. This was good for our moral...we all felt good and appreciated. After the victory I went with Mara to the International Secretariat to sign my new contract and ask about the procedure and stuff. We convinced the girl there to reveal the secret information about the girl who will come in my current room, starting January. She is also from Czech Republic, like Marketa and studies Biology...that's all we managed to get…but it's more than enough...I hope she speaks English and I don't have to learn Czech and her and Marketa will not speak Czech all the freaking time :) I had a second presentation on Diaspora’s that day so, after a quick cake and chit chat with Mara in the cantine, I went to my next class. Half sleeping I managed to say what I had to say and head home. Home...but not for long. Uwe, my Diaspora teacher, invited us for dinner and movie at his place. The cold weather was making me stay home, in bed and sleep...but I went. Though he is living here for 3 months just like us you could see the difference between a student's house and a teacher's house...he had all his stuff here and it looked very personnel…like a real house. We ate humus with vegetables, rice in coconut milk with curry, pasta al forno and tiramisu. A bit too much I would say...but it felt good. I think I'm going to cook some of this stuff myself. I am really turning into an international chef. I almost felt asleep during the long Bollywood movie we watched. Not long after midnight we all went home. It didn't matter how tired I was...I couldn't stop enjoying the cold. The road was shining because everything was frozen. I wasn't afraid to go with the bike downhill on ice...I guess I got really use to it and I learned how to control it pretty well. There were no clouds in the sky and the stars were shining bright. I decided to learn some constellations and search for them. I am sure it would be a success...I'm building a new passion. I love to ride my bike by night, looking at the stars and going uphill on the road home through the middle of the street in all directions, listening to music...I'm becoming a selfish sentimental fool.

On Thursday, fate played in my favor. None of my student group people could come for our learning meeting so I got to sleep 1 hour later...till 8..the babies started their normal artistic program after, so I had to wake up. It was Marketa's birthday so we gave her hugs and kisses in the morning and the little gift we got for her - a pair of one fingered green gloves. She planed her party for Friday so today we had the day off. We all wanted to go to Den Gamel By, but Lina had some problems and I only went with Mara and the Latvian girls. Den Gamel By is some sort of old village museum. They have there some houses from the region, tolls, furniture and other stuff they used to use in the old days. This is the place to be if you come in Aarhus. A ticket is pretty expensive (100 kr.) but in the Christmas period it's free for students. Also you can find people dressed like in the old days there, sweets, cigarettes and drinks like they used to be...and also children's games and books. The Danish are really keen on their traditions and the national obsession is everywhere even in the Christmas tree...there is no Christmas tree without at least one Danish flag in it...holidays are not holidays if the tree doesn't have the flag. I don't honestly think it's worth paying 100 kr. for this place - I bet the modern art museum is better at the same price...but anyway it was for free. The most interesting part about this whole Gamel by thing was our way to it. At one of the big crossroads we have to pass on our way to the centre we saw from the distance 2 fireman cars, 1 ambulance, one police car and one G4S car. We thought something really bad happened but when we got there we were surprised to see a car, Skoda, bumped into a traffic light. The front part of the car was damaged but it wasn't that bad. Still, all these cars where there and the traffic was blocked.

Everybody has Christmas decorations around their houses except for us. It would be a bit stupid to buy Christmas stuff when none of us is here for Christmas. I bought some wooden snowflakes from Den Gamel By…and made a candle decoration thing…just for me…I also stole a little Christmas tree branch and put it in the kitchen :)

Friday started pretty well and ended even better. In the morning I had my usual cornflakes with bananas and karnemelk breakfast and than went to my student group meeting. We are trying to figure our next exam on accounting. We are 5 in the group - me, Benjamin, Tone, Luci and Louise. Except for Luci who is from Brazil, the others are Danish. For this exam I am preparing only with Benjamin and Tone. We are meeting every morning till the 15th when we have the exam. We have one week to prepare for two exams...but I'm sure it's going to be ok.

After that we went to Lina's house, where Marketa made her birthday party. It was a total blast. A lot of dancing, jello shots, home made - use it only once Twister, guitar singing and ahm...other stuff. I realised I almost became an expert in rolling cigartes, and when I get a bit dizzy I can actually play the guitar :)). I decided not to tell people where I am from anymore and let the guess. Till now I got 3 France and 2 Spain - not really expecting people to think that I am from France, but anyway. We stayed till really early in the morning and it did not matter that the next day I had to be in school at 9 in the morning.

This night Saint Nicholas came at home and he didn't find me there I guess. I didn't get anything here either so he must have lost me. :( uuufff....

The rest of my weekend was and will be a countinuig accounting exercises pleasure. I love it.

To learn:
- how to make humus
- how to make jello shots and get people really drunk without noticing
- how to make curry
- how to make the super great Danish Christmas rice, milk, almonds and cherry souse thing
...and speaking of food, I bought the most diguisting thing ever - blood salami. That is actually pig blood with fat. I was curios about it and after tasting it I threw it away because it was horrible.

I cannot believe that in less than two weeks I will be home, in Bucharest, with my family and friends. I have mixed feelings about this, but they all include some sort of excitement  I don't know how I should act, what I should say...I am afraid of being strange and saying stupid things that may not be understood the way they are meant to be.