Sunday, March 08, 2009

Broken strings

I feel so lazy…and tomorrow the action starts again. Doing nothing gets me so tired and lazy…My mind is field with controversial thoughts right now…about many things…my personal conclusion is that the world is completely f**ked and this is only because people live in it…we are so weird, difficult, impossible to understand and selfish that we became blind to everything…all in all we are nothing but some stupid asses destroying everything we don’t really have to pay for (nature, feelings, relationships, ideologies etc.). I'm a bit broken...

Though I was pessimistic about the Martisor last weekend on Monday my Bulgarian classmate surprised me with one. I think it's the most beautiful Martisor I ever's a girl made of red and white threads, just like the one in my previous post...and I felt weird getting one in Denmark from someone in Bulgaria. They call the celebration "Baba Marta" and the idea behind the celebration is the same as in Romania. I don't know the roots of the celebration, because they didn't have it in it's not coming for Russia. (need of further research at some point in this life)

On Wednesday I felt like an workacholic or a money addict. I worked more that ever - 3 hours of cleaning, 3 hours Romanian classes with Rein (which by the way are weird, I never imagined how difficult it is to explain Romanian to someone), 4 hours of projecting for LSRS and at the end of the day again 6 hours of cleaning (because Marketa went to Copenhagen with her Czech friends who came to visit). Yes...I was dead at the end of the day. But at least I had a no cleaning day on Friday...though it was a long day at school.

I made MUCENICIIIII!!!!!!!!! I am a true Ratatouille.