Friday, June 27, 2008


Yesterday I finished University. Aren’t I smart?! I've never been more nervous in my life; I guess age is starting to take the stage. I feel relieved and happy that I managed to take another step forward. To be honest I never saw myself here but I guess life always takes you and makes you do things you can never imagine. And the best thing about this is that I got a 10 (ten)!!! Yes 10!!!

I didn't have the best days in my life lately, but at least I tried to take what was best out of them. I spent most of my time out, trying to win the days, months and years I lost in a room, on the same road and with the same person. It's nice to take a breath of air before you start be fresh and willing to follow your star. It's sad that things can't go good at the same time from every point of view possible, but you probably have to go a long way...make mistakes...learn to go by them and start over and over again till you learn your way and never fall again.

I've done my best!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Driving school

This Monday I started driving school. I know women are really bad drivers from time to time but I think this is just a mean manly thing because we took over their territory. Anyway… I learned how to start moving the car :), turn right and left, switch gears and other stuff like that. It's not really complicated, at least now :D. I'm very scared of hitting people and stray dogs...I cannot predict their movements and it's confusing. The guy teaching me is ok but his excessively calm and this makes me feel agitated even though I'm not. I was very nervous about this but now I'm ok...I just hope not to forget everything till my next class :D. Hopefully I will be a driver by August.

Anyway if you'll ever see me on the street (driving) yourself :)

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Suga Babes

Thanks to Ile I got to see Suga Babes in a concert today. Though it wasn't something planed I went because I felt like doing something half interesting. The concert was short but fine. I got to meet some interesting people.

I met with my old friend Cata, whom I haven't seen in such a long time that I almost forgot what we were friends for. Of course we talked, because that is what we are best at...about anything anytime...over and over again. I hope we will meet more often and maybe go to more concerts together.