Friday, March 13, 2009

So me/How I spent my Friday 13 weekend

Friday 13
Well...we went to UniBar and than to Social Club. I am in my 23rd hour of being awake...uber drunk, but still able to write in English on my blog. It's 3:13 in the morning...I woke up at 4:00 in the morning yesterday, but I feel good...I'm eating raisins and drinking water and thinking about nothing :)

Ahh...and we met Edita on the bus when we were coming back home coz she went to another party and she had her hair cut :)

I hope I'm not gonna delete this when I wake up....nighty night to me :)

Saturday 14
Today I started speaking again with a special someone who I'm happy to have back in my life. After a day of shopping for food, yahoo chatting and sleeping we went to Lina's house for pancakes. The night didn't end so fast as we decided to all go to Ris Ras - our favourite cafe in Aarhus. I met some new internationals with who I think I am going to hang out more from now on. This semester I think it's more diverse for me...I know more people from a bigger variety of countries (Turkey, Greece, Italy, Czech, USA, Canada and of course Spain and Romania) and the Latvians are gone along with Mara.

Sunday 15
I had a weird dream last night. I dreamt that I received an e-mail that I didn't get accepted for my internship in Madrid because my profile didn't fit with what they were searching. I hope it's not going to be like that. I hate waiting for answers.

An already traditional walk on the beach and chocolate muffin with maple syrup in a coffee shop with Mathew.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Laura, Lora, Luli, Lulu, Lali

Oh...I saw a great documentary today on human right abuses in China, called "China Blue". It was really touching and it hurts to acknowledge that such abuses happen in the world, just so we can wear a damn pair of jeans...which is bought from the Chinese producer with 4.1$/pair and sold in the West with even more than 100$/pair.

Buhu...I have a flat tyre on my bike :( I small piece of glass managed to break through my tyre this morning when I was coming from work. Devastating...since the bike is the only way I can get around... especially to work in the morning. Luckily there are shops where they sale and repair bikes everywhere. With my puppy...begging for mercy face, I managed to convince the guys at the shop to repair it in the same day, because I would've been dead otherwise. It costed me 92 dkk (about 13 euro) for a tiny little hole...but I guess I had no other option...and they know it is too far to walk with a flat tyre (because you are not allowed to take bikes on the bus) till the city centre  where it would have costed me only 60 dkk for the same job. least a have a mean of transportation again...

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Broken strings

I feel so lazy…and tomorrow the action starts again. Doing nothing gets me so tired and lazy…My mind is field with controversial thoughts right now…about many things…my personal conclusion is that the world is completely f**ked and this is only because people live in it…we are so weird, difficult, impossible to understand and selfish that we became blind to everything…all in all we are nothing but some stupid asses destroying everything we don’t really have to pay for (nature, feelings, relationships, ideologies etc.). I'm a bit broken...

Though I was pessimistic about the Martisor last weekend on Monday my Bulgarian classmate surprised me with one. I think it's the most beautiful Martisor I ever's a girl made of red and white threads, just like the one in my previous post...and I felt weird getting one in Denmark from someone in Bulgaria. They call the celebration "Baba Marta" and the idea behind the celebration is the same as in Romania. I don't know the roots of the celebration, because they didn't have it in it's not coming for Russia. (need of further research at some point in this life)

On Wednesday I felt like an workacholic or a money addict. I worked more that ever - 3 hours of cleaning, 3 hours Romanian classes with Rein (which by the way are weird, I never imagined how difficult it is to explain Romanian to someone), 4 hours of projecting for LSRS and at the end of the day again 6 hours of cleaning (because Marketa went to Copenhagen with her Czech friends who came to visit). Yes...I was dead at the end of the day. But at least I had a no cleaning day on Friday...though it was a long day at school.

I made MUCENICIIIII!!!!!!!!! I am a true Ratatouille.