Sunday, December 30, 2012

Ginger Syrup

I discovered ginger a few years ago in Denmark from my roommate Marketa. She was using for tea all the time and I got curious. I instantly felt in love with its flavor. If you are a spice eater like myself, this rooty herb cannot fail your taste-buds. This is a strong antioxidant which can be used in anything: food, sweets, drinks, salads, face masks...anything...and if you have a flu try eating a bit of ginger with honey and lemon.

Now, the problem with this herb is that it has a very strong taste and it's not easy to eat. In theory there can never be too much ginger, but if it is it may ruin the taste and spoil the pleasure of eating it. It's also a bit difficult to peal and cut in small slices because of it's root like texture. And...if you are lazy (like myself) you will end up not using it even though you love it.

So, I discovered this great way to easily have my bit of ginger, especially now in the cold season. I am turning it into Ginger Syrup. This potion can be the magic ingredient with a Christmasy flavor...

1 cup of peeled fresh ginger, cut into thin slices
2 cups of water
1/2 cup of brown sugar
juice from 1 lemon

Combine water and sugar in a saucepan over medium heat. Stir until sugar is mostly dissolved. Add ginger and lemon juice and stir to make sure all of it is well-coated. Reduce heat and let the mixture simmer for and hour, stirring occasionally. (If you cut your ginger into larger chunks you may need more time - you will know when it's done because the ginger will be soft.)

The internet if full of ginger/ ginger syrup recipes so I hope you'll try it too.

Recipe adapted from: The Baker Chick

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Winter holidays are so very different from the summer ones...still my weird self ends up being tired at the end of both. 

Summer is an exciting trip that enriches my inner with laughter, new people, new places and cool experiences. Winter on the other hand...well it's winter...a joyous period to sit and do nothing. 

But this is what I am actually longing for a whole year...I am super excited about these days full of numbness. It's just that as soon as I experience one or two, I get ridiculously bored and want to do something...but then again I don't know what to's cold, and I have a flu...and I actually don't want to get out of the house because I've been waiting for a whole year to do NOTHING. And then I just end up being more tired from boredom. Maybe that's just me...a hyperactive, but not in any way constructive, person.

At least today I am saved by tea and books...but what about tomorrow?!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

2013 Resolutions

2012 was a non resolutions year. I was just too busy being in love and enjoying a new life style at the end of 2011, so I got lazy. For 2013 I have decided to do a list of resolutions, and after reading this article on how to properly make resolutions, I will give my birth sign's characteristics some space and let my self evolve as the stars wanted...I am a plan maker :)

1. Meet more with friends: have at least one friend meeting/ week. I have so many friends whom I have not seen in years and they live in the same city as I do...I have been a horrible friend...I blame it on all this social media around me...

2. Work out more: my twice/ week schedule seamed to be working fine for my body...go back to that...

3. Read more: at least one book/ month.

4. Evolve professionally: decide on the right path for my adult it even if it needs a self kick in the ass.

5. Volunteer more: attend a volunteering activity twice/ month (event + shelter visit).

6. Travel to a place which I have never traveled to before.

7. Take a new course - I aim for PR, Marketing, CSR or a language course.

8. Wear heels - start with once/ month :)

This is my 27th year. I want it to be marked my social interactions, professional development and what I like most communication.