Wednesday, December 26, 2012

2013 Resolutions

2012 was a non resolutions year. I was just too busy being in love and enjoying a new life style at the end of 2011, so I got lazy. For 2013 I have decided to do a list of resolutions, and after reading this article on how to properly make resolutions, I will give my birth sign's characteristics some space and let my self evolve as the stars wanted...I am a plan maker :)

1. Meet more with friends: have at least one friend meeting/ week. I have so many friends whom I have not seen in years and they live in the same city as I do...I have been a horrible friend...I blame it on all this social media around me...

2. Work out more: my twice/ week schedule seamed to be working fine for my body...go back to that...

3. Read more: at least one book/ month.

4. Evolve professionally: decide on the right path for my adult it even if it needs a self kick in the ass.

5. Volunteer more: attend a volunteering activity twice/ month (event + shelter visit).

6. Travel to a place which I have never traveled to before.

7. Take a new course - I aim for PR, Marketing, CSR or a language course.

8. Wear heels - start with once/ month :)

This is my 27th year. I want it to be marked my social interactions, professional development and what I like most communication.