Monday, July 13, 2009

Cars vs. Dolls

This makes me wonder if it was good that God made Eve from Adam's rib and not his brain. Wanting to play fair...I will be a bit of a misogynist  if that can apply, and state that there are so many things where women should not have stick their nose. The gender race has never been so vigorous as these days and the differences between women around the world never so big. In one corner you find the ones that completely cover themselves, are mutilated and forced into polygamy marriages, sold for money, killed as babies or forced to work to sustain their brothers and in the other the ones that suit it up with short skirts, high heel shoes and branded bags. All these happen just to make certain statements and nothing is natural and the way it’s supposed to be. How many movies show women struggling to climb up the social leader, complain to their friends and talk for hours about random things, shop till they drop, having diet problems and of course talk about how their life partner is incapable of understating them?! I haven't seen till now any movies about men doing that. I have to admit that I actually like this type of movies, and I usually watch them with my friends when I am feeling low and need to see how a women can succeed and rule everything. Even if I know it's just a movie and I watch it for entertainment it makes my hormones go crazy and fill me up with trust. Applying my theory about why and when I watch this type of movies, and thinking about the number of movies released lately by the industry, makes me think about how low women got...they are using a movie to make them feel that they can. I found in the apartment a magazine which talks about the brain differences between men and women, I don't really understand everything, but I will try to because it looks interesting. Another fact I found appealing was about the DNA paternity tests that can be found in USA's supermarkets...just like pregnancy this really necessary?! seems so...because they show that out of I don't know how many million tests taken in one year, 25% are negative, one quarter of the men who request this test find out that their partner not only cheated but lied to the extreme...why should it be like this, when we complain all the time about men cheating?!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

My "rummys"

I almost finished my first weekend with my new roommates and I think I will have a hell of a good time in Madrid with them. It was absolutely crazy...Yesterday I was at the swimming pool the whole day, and came back at 12 in the night, not expecting them to be home...but they were and a bit tipsy already. I drank with them at home and then we went out in a club...a good club...but I was too busy with our own thing to notice the club. We had some markers from home and we ended up fighting each other in the club and got totally painted. My official nickname in the house is Rummy...because: I come from Rumania and Rum (it could have been any other drink, but this worked with the name)...

Today we cleaned the house because it was very, very dirty and they are pretty good, I was surprised.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Here come the gays!

This Saturday (04.07) I was at my first gay parade. I am open minded and I don't like to judge things by their cover, but I have to admit that I felt myself a bit homophobic. It as a bit yucky to see a lot of guys kissing guys, I think girls kissing girls is much better. The parade in Madrid is one of the biggest in Europe and usually there up to 3 million people participating (crowd included). I have no idea how many were this year, but it sure was a lotttt of people. It was very hot, like every other summer day in Madrid…but this didn't stop anyone from going out on the streets, where they were having water fights or people throwing water on them from balconies.

The parade is full of colour and costumes. Of course the most interesting are the guys...lesbians are a bit boring and normal considering that nowadays all girls wear pants...but the guys were amazing. Not just the drags...who had absolutely fabulous costumes, but also the others. I have a feeling they look so good on purpose to agonies girls...and the main song was "Dragostea din tei"...which I guess is some sort of gay anthem.

I went with Sara and Diego and ended up with Diego and a bunch of Erasmusers I knew from Denmark. We had a few drinks (a bit too many maybe) and the best was the mojito in a 1l plastic glass, of which I had two because it was absolutely delicious. The result was a bad hangover...again...and every time I do this I say I will never do it again...I spent my hangover day with Diego's family by the swimming pool and we developed a nice theory...20s=1 day, 30s=2 or 3 days, 40s=4 days and after 50s you should be crazy to drink that much and not learn your lesson :P