Saturday, September 27, 2008

Football and Beach

Even though I have to make a very important essay by next Tuesday, I just couldn't stay at home again when the weather outside was more than great. So I went with a Latvian group I know here – they are Mara's friends – to play football at the beach. This wasn't only a good occasion to show off with my great footballer skills :))...but I also got to see another one of the World's waters – the Baltic See. Actually this is pretty close to where the North See and the Baltic See meet. It was really great – the weather was perfect and the people I went with were perfect. One of the girls didn't have a bike and you can only get there by car or because, as usual, I'm the smallest one, I gave her my bike and I rode at the back of a boy's bike. I'm not complaining because it was great...I still have sand on my feet..hi hi

Sunday, September 21, 2008

On my way to school

It's always me and my bike.

The first big things I go by are City West and adventist church - which are also the things that make me happy when I return because I know I'm almost done pedalling.

Than I get to the hills (I only have a photo with the start because I'm too tired or pissed to ever stop and take photos on this part of the road).

And, ta-na the University, actually just the History Department because it's a campus and departments are spread everywhere (maybe when I will have my own camera I'll go around the campus because it's really nice and green).

Saturday, September 20, 2008

20th - Discovering

I'm starting to discover a lot of intersting stuff. I guess life is full of surprises when you stay and listen and you don't try to get involved as much as possible. I was saying that I don't feel like socializing and I still have that mood...but to fool it and start living in Aarhus I've decided to substitute socializing with knowing. This week I tried some things I was to afraid to do stuff, do stuff...and what to you know I feel more relaxed and experienced already :)

Yesterday a classmate (a Danish classmate) invited me over to his house because he was meeting some other old friends too. I was enthusiastic when he told me....but then, as the moment got closer I was becoming sceptical and scared. I was thinking about inventing a good excuse not to go...This isn't my natural state so I was feeling weird to have this inner fight. I decided to go because I was bored of cooking, eating, reading and surfing on the Internet. People and communication can not be substituted in this way. I decide that this was going to be a gathering knowledge moment more than a social one. I'm saying this because the other people invited were from Guatemala and Chile. They were going to speak Spanish (which is good practice for me). So I went there with the idea of becoming more international...but also seeing how people have fun here?!After a vegetarian dinner (everybody here is vegetarian and loves to exercise) = healthy but not extremely tasty food...I was thinking that it will all turn up in a boring where are you is your country...thing. But we started having this movie like evening - games, laughing, drinking. I had a lot of fun...and I loved the games we played. Foolish childish games that relax you but also make you think while having fun. I always liked this but I never did it with my friends at home...everybody (I think) would find this a stupid idea. I don't know, we prefer smoking and talking about people...I felt very international especially because we were speaking in Spanish, Danish and English.

And I found some movies I really want to see when I get home: Network (1976) and Once (a Czech movie Marketa told me about)...I think I should become more open and learn more stuff about different cultures - this whole international experience is overwhelming and I should let my guard down and become more receptive.