Saturday, August 30, 2008

2 Mai - Vama Veche - Sighisoara

I don't know if it's the fact that I leaving tomorrow or the fact that I had the best days ever why I'm feeling so relaxed and lazy. As I was saying before life takes you places you never thought you would ever end up in. My past 25 days have been more than I could ever ask for. I'm sad they are ending but I'm happy they happened and I know they are just a beginning.

The first part of the ride was in 2 Mai, Vama Veche and Mangalia with Irina and Ana. Though I didn't stay with the two of them this year, ruining our tradition, we tried to follow the staying in Vama Vache till the morning comes and sleeping on the beach at sunrise part. It wasn't as fun as it usually is because I guess we kind of got bored of the same songs and tequila drinking part. But it all got even because of him. We woke up together for the first time and it was fun…no not fun...but warm. We went with the motorcycle and it was my first long trip on it. It was also a trip I never took when going to the seaside. I saw the most beautiful sunset in my life. Again I was mesmerized of what life can do to you and what things you might miss along the way if you refuse to look around.

Probably the fact that I was leaving so soon made us both open up as much as possible and give the other a good preview of what we could be. I tried avoiding making a psychological profile of the person I'm leaving with but than again I realized it's best to do it because this way I will have no unanswered questions in my mind while I'm away. The problem is that this quest has made me fall in love for real and now my heart will be split worse than it would before. It's really difficult to leave behind more than you were ready to at some point and it makes the trip difficult and bumpy. But at the same time I think it's a great test which we have to pass before saying yes and I love you with a full glow in our eyes.

When my parents got back and we couldn't stay together anymore we had to leave and run into the world. So we decided to go somewhere where with shame I must admit I've never been before: Brasov-Sibiu-Sighisoara. It was a full breath of air I could take in Romania. These are three great places one shouldn't only visit but also dream of leaving in. You feel like at home but with a different view of what home is.

My return from the trip meant saying goodbye to the people I love one by one. I don't want to remind myself because I don't want to get tears in my eyes again. There is one person I know I'm never going to see again and maybe this is the best for her - my grand grand mother. I never thought it was going to be so heartbreaking to just say goodbye. I guess I have to get really pissed and angry to never want to see any of these people anymore, ever in my life. I'm glad I'm leaving things behind me pretty settled and I'm glad the feedback was good because I know than no matter what I decide to do later I can always return to a handful of people opened to accept me back in their hearts and homes.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

The 25th...

This number became more than an obsession and part of my destiny. It's more than just a number for me it's the moment when something strange is going to happen in my doesn't matter what. i don't want to start writing about all my 25th experiences and start thinking whether it's something I intentionally do on that date or it just happens.

Yesterday it was the 25th day before I leave for Denmark. The countdown is really starting to get closer and closer to the end. As usual because it had something to do with 25 something had to change in my everyday life. I had little team building I organized with my sweet colleagues.

It was the first time I played tennis with a coach and he had patience to teach us how to play it right.

Just like in sports you never know what you're going to get or whether you’re going to win or not unless you play it... and you make choices without looking onwards and being able to predict the end. I don't usually play that way but it's maybe best to try it. You can risk loosing a fun, interesting moment by thinking what if all the time and refusing the little pleasures life gives you. This is how my 25th day before leaving became my 25th day before loosing something nice. But it was the first time in some years when I was feeling weird when doing things I felt as being natural before.

Life is strange and you never know where it takes you.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Medicine land

Even if I am a pill person I'm not a doctor I kinnda had to go see the doctors before leaving. It's probably a good thing I did because I found out a lot of scary things...which might have gotten worse whilst I was gone. It's pretty expensive to go see a doctor across the border...and I'm not going to have a health insurance that covers everything. I didn't finish my doctor tour because I don't have that much time and I didn't even get the right treatment for what I found out yet. I thought I was a psychopath for taking pills but it seams I was half right. Anyway I'm not going to die and my organs are where they should be and the way they should be. :)One of the doctors told me to stop taking vitamins and calcium and things like that...because sometimes they harm you more than do you good. Maybe this will be a good way to get rid of this little obsession - even though they never killed me. When I was little and took all those things I managed to survive :)) why shouldn't I survive'm talking bout pills - pills...not pills - drugs. That's not for me and will never be.