Monday, August 04, 2008

Medicine land

Even if I am a pill person I'm not a doctor I kinnda had to go see the doctors before leaving. It's probably a good thing I did because I found out a lot of scary things...which might have gotten worse whilst I was gone. It's pretty expensive to go see a doctor across the border...and I'm not going to have a health insurance that covers everything. I didn't finish my doctor tour because I don't have that much time and I didn't even get the right treatment for what I found out yet. I thought I was a psychopath for taking pills but it seams I was half right. Anyway I'm not going to die and my organs are where they should be and the way they should be. :)One of the doctors told me to stop taking vitamins and calcium and things like that...because sometimes they harm you more than do you good. Maybe this will be a good way to get rid of this little obsession - even though they never killed me. When I was little and took all those things I managed to survive :)) why shouldn't I survive'm talking bout pills - pills...not pills - drugs. That's not for me and will never be.