Friday, December 14, 2012

Rebounding with my blog

Since Facebook took over my time, my life and most of my social activities, I had no time to blog. I find it way easier to keep track of what I am doing with all these apps and easy to update statuses and everything. The main purpose of my blog was to support my gold fish memory. I love looking back at the things I did, and most of the time my mind is bedazzled and I can't believe that's me there. But I got lazy and absorbed into technology...and eventually stopped writing.

So, here I am, probably posting my last thoughts for 2012. If I look back I think I had the fullest year in a while. After I got back and settled in Bucharest, my only adventures were the great places I visited with my job, but this year I had some "inside" adventures and it was great. I feel like I grew, but not necessarily in an adult, mature way, but in a "social" way. I had my share of stress and now I believe I know what it means and how it feels like. It sucks...the regular amount of stress I create for myself is more than enough...I do not ever want to experience the stress that others create around me. I flip easily...

As great as 2012 has been I have a feeling that 2013 will be a b(o.O)mb. My intuition, which has never failed me before, tells me that it's going to be different. I am still unsure about what I want and how to get it, but aren't we all at any age. Actually I hope I will never know and never learn how to get it, because then it will just be plain boring.

2012 words: blonde, discovering, lust, hysteria, cats, defining, understanding, wanting, beginning.

I realized that I had a really crapy list of resolutions for this I am considering an outstanding one for 2013.

Friday, November 02, 2012

Mopi the cat

Adopted - November 2012

Mopi was found in the engine of a car by one of Robi's volunteers. Now she rests in my house where I will foster her until she finds her perfect family.

She's a 3 month old kitten with perfect cat senses :) For me she is a lot like the White Rabbit from Alice. She's a white cat with a grey line on her forehead...she has big green eyes, and she seams to always be in a hurry. 

She likes to watch herself in the mirror and put her paws up in defense, thinking that it might actually be another cat there. She mows for attention every time she does something, as she loves you to watch her doing cat stuff...she is a princess after all. She has no trouble playing alone, but I am sure that she would gladly share her toys and time with friends. She runs around the house and suddenly stops...probably just forgetting why she was running...She loves to curl and fluff her tail at me when we are playing...and when she can't see me, she just goes around the house mowing until she finds me.

There is no sense in saying that she is a perfectly clean cat, litter trained and careful not to stain her coat.

Mopi, just like many cats, is a stray who needs a warm house to host her and a loving family to purr at and play with forever.

If you want her, you can find her here:

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


O carte despre motivatie gasita intr-un supermarket spune ca:

"Manipularea este actiunea prin care cineva este "pacalit" sa faca ceva ce in mod normal nu ar face. Motivatia este actiunea prin care cineva este incurajat sa faca ceva de care are nevoie, dar pe care poate nu ar fi putut sa-l initieze sau sa-l duca la bun sfarsit de unul singur.


Ca sa-l motiveze pe jucator, antrenorul ii fixeaza niste parametrii pe care sa-i indeplineasca la antrenamente, promitandu-i un loc in prima echipa daca reuseste sa atinga acesti parametri in patru saptamani. Acesta este un exemplu de motivare. Jucatroul vrea sa isi imbunatateasca perfromantele, iar antrenorul ii spune care este directia in care se poate dezvolta, si adauga o recompensa pentru a-l ajuta sa-si indeplineasac telul.

Pe de alta parte, se poate ca la alte echipe antrenorul sa nu fie atat de sustinator si intelegator. Ba mai mult, sa spunem ca are o problema personala cu unul dintre cei mai buni jucatori. Nu s-au inteles niciodata si antrenorul abia asteapta sa scape de el. Acesta din urma gaseste un jucator mediocru caruia ii spune ca daca trage un pic mai tare la antrenamente poate ajunge titular in locul vedetei echipei. Inselator, acesta mai adauga faptul ca actuala vedeta a echipei are niste pareri nu tocmai bune despre jucator, pareri pe care le-a exprimat cand acest nu era de fata.

Aceasta conversatie il face pe jucatorul mai putin talentat sa fie suparat si razbunator in relatia cu vedeta echipei. In curand, acesta va incepe sa-i faca mici probleme vedetei ascunzandu-i echipamentul, facand in asa fel incat acesta sa intarzie la antrenamente, starnind divesre zvonuri despre el si tot felul de alte lucruri care il fac pe jucatorul emblematic sa-si mute concentrarea de la joc. Cand performantele vedetei incep sa scada, antrenorul gaseste momentul oportun pentru a-l inlocui pe acesta cu jucatorul de rezerva, aceasta fiind intentia antrenorului inca de la inceput.


Nevoi si actiuni motivatoare care au de obicei conotatie negativa: furia, tradarea, controlul, dezamagirea, disperarea, egoul, frica, lacomia, banii, politica, revolta, razbunarea, vanitate..."

1001 Feluri de a te motiva pe tine si pe ceilalti
Sang H. Kim

Populara discutie despre diferenta dintre un lider si un manager continua pe plan motivational. Des intalnita manipulare la locul de munca in randul "sefilor" romani nu este nimic nou pe piata muncii, mai ales in anumite industrii. Insa, orice s-ar intampla, nu trebuie niciodata sa ne lasam condusi de actiunile mai sus mentionate si mai ales sa le mentionam ca fiind motivatia noastra de a face o schimbare in timpul unui intreviu.

Cartea spune ca cea mai buna cale este sa gasesti ceea ce te motiveaza, sa porti tot timpul dupa tine un biletel pe care sa il citesti in momentele de frustrare pentru a te ajuta sa iti amintesti scopul. Cum internetul este acum plin de citate este nimic dificil in asta. Eu...din carte am ales:

Multe sarcini sunt inevitabile in viata. E alegerea ta daca le faci cu zambetul pe buze sau incruntat.