Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Marketa returned this morning from Barcelona!!!!I am not alone anymore...I am so happyyyy. I discovered that I became an extreme neat freak...I missed cleaning after her and finding dishes and scrums all over when returning from work...I need someone to clean after, that definitely makes me happy :) Ah...and she got her wallet stolen in Barcelona at the beach...I am ashamed to write the first thing that went through my mind when she told me...I guess I still have a lot of frustrations I must get rid off before becoming a tolerant person. other month just started...the month of Taurus. I realised that the majority of my friends have their birthday in this period. I also know a lot of Gemini (6 of them have their birthday on the 1 of June, wicked). So...Taurus. Out of my own experience I can tell that we are a hell of a stubborn sign. We say things we don't really mean not to alter our ego...we do/say things for good impression sometimes, most of the time…and we love to be in the centre of attention. I am not a fan of astrology (or not worse than others), but I sort of agree with more than half of what they say about us.

Maybe it's also part of my zodiacal characteristics, but today I discovered/thought about it better, that I enjoy a lot of things that harm me. For example, kiwi...I remember when I first ate it (my mom bought it) and it was such a strange potato thing. I couldn't imagine other fruits than the ones that grew in my grandparents backyard or the bananas and oranges I would get in winter, when I ate my first kiwi. I have some sort of allergy to gets difficult to breath, my ears and my mouth start etching...I don't know if this happens to anyone else or if anyone else eats as much kiwi as I do at once to have experienced this, but despite all these it is on my top fruits list. I guess I do this with everything...I love to exaggerate...with everything...I have a feeling that my elder person disease will be paranoia.

I finished my two essays for Cultural Analysis yesterday in the balcony while sun bathing…so now, till middle May I can read whatever I want…finally. I don't have an answer for my internship and it is stressing...I've been through the same thing last year in April and it sucks, but maybe I will get a nice present from the RMFA on the 25th (it's Saturday so maybe on the 24th or 27th at least).

Friday, April 17, 2009

Double Easter in 2009

Catholic Easter:

Because in Denmark they don't have egg paint, we had to follow traditions and colour eggs with onion leaves. It worked (to my surprise because I never did this)!In Denmark, Easter is only symbolicaly celebrated. Only children paint eggs, with acrylics  This is because, as Henry, my work supervisor said, you don't get anything for Easter...he said "give a Dane money or presents and he will celebrate whatever you want"...but this came from the mouth of an atheist, so I don't know if I should take it as it is or not...fake and superficial maybe, or just pragmatic nation...judge it as you may. But since I live with Czechs, I had a fast, but nice Catholic Easter...because they respect traditions, and even if Easter is more like a celebration of spring...they celebrate it similar to Orthodox.

Orthodox Easter:
- lunch at the beach...on the molo in the sea (no words can describe this) and our favourite shopping (Marketa is so bad in buying shoes, I can't believe she's complaining about my habits of long shopping, when it took her 1 hour to decide for a pair of shoes she didn't finally buy - she bought another one in the end :P)!!

Marketa went to Barcelona this morning. So...I am home alone again. I am too lazy to go to church or even out shopping for food, even if the sun is inviting. I will stay home, watch a movie and start my essays...and other school stuff. I would like to finish my first 2 essays before Wednesday, when Marketa returns, so that we can enjoy the weather by going out everyday...eating at the beach, reading along the Aarhus river and running around Brabrand lake. At home everyone is meeting and spendig time with their family...that's how it always is. Food, gifts, talking and maybe going out...tht would've been my day today if I was in Bucharest. My fist Easter and major holiday away from home. More to follow, I am sure...but at least I will aprecite it more that before when I will be there :).