Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My additions

Today, I, Marketa and Alice pierced our ears. We decided to pierce the upper side of our ear when we went in our October Scandinavian trip, but never thought we would actually do it. Because there are just a few days left till we are all going home for holidays we decided to do it. This is a nice memory from Aarhus...a memory I will always have with me. It was a bit strange because I never had a piecing done with the thing which just puts the earring in the ear...I was a bit scared and excited before the small trigger was pushed.

A review of all my additions:
- 1 pierce in the left side of the lower lip
- 1 pierce in my left ear
- 6 pierces in my right ear
- 2 tattoos

There is place for more and I know I will not hold my self from doing something next year too, especially if I will be leaving somewhere else.

My stupid phobias

While trying to solve some intellectual property cases last night, my brain decided to take a brake and think about non relevant life things. Ana's post about phobias made me think about my own...but not in such a deep way.

A phobia is an intense, unrealistic fear, which can interfere with the ability to socialize, work, or go about everyday life, which is brought on by an object, event or situation.
This isn't being "crazy" — people know fully well their fears are unreasonable — but they can not control the fear. These people have phobias.
Phobias belong to a large group of mental problems known as "anxiety disorders" that include obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder. Phobias themselves can be divided into three specific types:
- specific phobias (formerly called "simple phobias")
- social phobia
- agoraphobia

I was thinking about stupid phobias I have and I came up with three of them (in order of stupidity – if taken the other way around it’s the order in which they influence my social life):

Phobia no. 1
This is a really stupid phobia. I have the phobia of having an accident or even dieing and not being shaved or waxed or whatever. This is the most ridiculous thing that could preoccupy me...but it does. In cases like these you might end up in the hospital or at the morgue...either way you would at some point be naked, taken pictures of or other similar stuff. What if I have hair all over my body? I know...nobody would care, but I would...even if I would be dead. I mean I wouldn't mind being a nice corps. This kind of proves how selfish and self centered I am...but seriously it is a phobia.

Phobia no. 2
I am afraid of the shower curtain. This is also one of the reasons I hate the shower...I can't really get fully relaxed in it. I don't know when this phobia started, but I sure have it for a few years now. It is a nightmare for me to pull the shower curtain while I am taking a shower. And if I have to wash may hair and keep my eyes closed, my adrenalin goes higher than ever. You cannot imagine for how many times I got shampoo in my eyes because I had to open them. The idea is that I have the feeling that somebody is watching me. Not necessarily wanting to harm me, but watching me. I even have this person's image. He is a man...but I have no idea who he is...still it's always the same face. I don't know if this is a thing that has its roots somewhere in my childhood, but the fear of being followed and watched still haunts me. I sometimes see this person behind me in the mirror when I am washing my face...but this happens rarely...but I can always feel him hiding behind the shower curtain.

Phobia no. 3
Ok...this is the phobia everybody knows about…my cleaning phobia. It's actually an obsession...the phobia stays in the lack of organization of things. I mean if all glasses are lined up and one is a little bit more to the left than the others, what's wrong in moving it one cm so that it gets lined up with the others!? The problem is that I don't do this only with my stuff, but recelty I realised I do it everywhere I go, even in bars and social places...darn. This is a thing that completely freaks me out. I tried ignoring it when it occurs, but I can't. I have to put things right, I cannot focus on anything else till I do it...and if I don't do it and I am no longer able to do it, I would think about it for a long time. Freaky I know..

Sunday, December 07, 2008

The simple things I want to do

- play Sims with Bianca
- take out Lolita
- go to my great grandmother’s grave and light a candle, probably (for sure) cry
- sleep with Ana and Irina in Ana's bed :) - it has to be all three of us (Ana, I will wash the dishes and cook if you agree to adopt me)
- meet with all the people I know (or almost...I don't know if they all want to)
- have a burger or two with my old friend, Cata (or more than long as it includes talking)
- clean my room (even if it's clean, it has to be Laura style cleaning)
- go by tram, trolleybus, bus(anything but bike)...oh and metro
- wax (thank you Ana for making this possible)
- go through everything I left home to make sure I didn’t forget them (clothes, books, cds, magazines, pictures, bags, hats, shoes etc) – I miss all my stuff so much, I love the lifeless, plastic, artificial, materialistic side of me
- no more speaking English
- wear ironed clothes (as much as I hate this and though I thought I would never say it, I'm tired of looking as if I just came out of the washing machine)
- eat fat food, meat and toxic stuff (anything but vegetables, fruits and cereals)
- drink anything but tea and milk
- as a result from the two above - get fat :)
- do Tae Bo with Ana (to burn the fat)
- meet with Alex (I owe it and I'm doing it because I love you not because you will hate me and haunt me in my dreams telling me what a bitch I am)
- see snow (there is no winter without snow and if I don't see it at home I will probably not see it this year - make snow angels and play like a dog that hasn't been out for days)
- slap Dan (because he deserves it :)
- visit my work mates
- go to Ana's place, stay in the kitchen and chit chat till forever
- go in a supermarket right before Christmas when it's really crowded (I miss the crowd)
- get stuck in traffic
- take a long, hot bath (I'm starting to hate the lacks feelings)
- eat rum chocolate (:D - I'm still thinking about it) and any kind of chocolate I get my hands/mouth on
- go to Mini Prix with Ana and Irina and try on stuff
- get glasses (I'm blind)
- see thousands of movies
- not learn anything, not read anything about history, law and accounting
- not sleep for one month (totally unrealistic but I can try)
- go to the new place Ana's dancing at and dance with her all night long and leave together really early in the morning
- walk through Bucharest (not by night - I can remember the pleasure of always looking back and being paranoid about people following me - I don't really miss that)

The above list is absolutely random and I will add stuff that go through my mind till I'll be home, print it and do them. I never thought I would be so excited about going home - I have butterflies in my stomach and I get the same feeling I get when I am in love or going to have blood taken for analyses - speechless and scared, feeling like fainting but trying not to show it.