Sunday, September 14, 2008

14th - Going around corners

I will not talk about school because there is no need. It's interesting and I recommend everyone the experience of learning something with non-Romanian teachers.

I didn't do anything really exciting because I'm not in a very socializing mood. I avoid parties and I keep everything strictly related to school - study group meetings and book exchanges. I met a lot of people but I don't feel the need to have fun. Though I got closer to my apartment mates. Today we had our first breakfast together because usually we make something and eat it in our rooms :).

Saturday - that is yesterday I had a really interesting experience. My cousin - Crina - got married. Of course I wasn't there to be with her in this important moment and I really regret this. I don't think she will get married again so I missed my only opportunity to see her as a bride and kiss her. But internet does wonders again, what would we be without it. I got to see a part of the action on web cam. I was there with them through the computer and I was able to see her beautiful wedding dress. Thank you internet for allowing me to be there even when I am not. I hope that soon they will invent holograms or teleportation to make things even easier. It was a really interesting experience. I would prefer being there but this would do considering the distance.

Today I went with Marketa and Mara to this Bazar Vest thing. As I was telling you before I live in a Arab neighborhood, so this is their bazar. I passed their ghetto which is looks to me a lot like seaside cheap motels surrounded by a wire fence. I don't understand the need of the fence but there has to be's probably a way to limit and make the difference between immigrants and the rest of the population. Anyway the Bazar was really nice. I found Turkish gum and kebab and baclava and a lot of teas and good bread and fresh vegetables and fruit. While I was looking around a heard a man talking into a really bad Romanian and I was surprised to hear somebody talk Romanian in an Arabic Bazar in Denmark so I turned and I saw this old Arab speaking to his wife (Romanian woman). All that went on in my mind was the surprising mix and I was trying to explain myself that this is what a cultural mix means - a Arab and a Romanian buying things in an Arab Bazar and speaking Romanian somewhere in Aarhus, Denmark. I think I will experience a lot of these things while I will be here - and it's great because this gives me a great understanding of what I am actually learning.

I'm stating to look for an internship somewhere in Romania - I hope it's going to be a 6 months one so that I don't have to return :D...but stay at home and make plans. I miss everybody but this internet thing I'm using gives me a sense of closeness to everything not physicaly but emotionally. I can still have my sex and the city talks with Ana and Irina, I can still argue with Bianca, I can still talk to mami and tati about things and ask for advises.

I hope that one morning i will wake up and slap myself really hard to realize that this isn't bad and I should get out of this antisocial thing I'm in because it's not helping and will definitely not help me build anything.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ideal Carrers :)

Your Career Personality: Flexible, Good-Natured, and Energetic

Your Ideal Careers:


Dog walker

Elementary school teacher

Fashion designer

Interior decorator



Personal shopper


Wedding planner

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

10th - Somehow getting use

Cred ca am inceput sa ma obisnuiesc cu ce se intampla pe aici. Si incet-incet incep sa si descopar locurile si oamenii. Duminica am fost intr-o mica excursie la un lac din apropiere cu Marketa. 

Din pacate nu am putut sa vedem lacul de aproape din cauza vegetatiei stufoase din jurul lui. A fost totusi destul de dragutz pentru ca nu a mai plouat si am stat putin cu fetele in soare.

Nu se mai intampla nimic spectaculos, ciudat sau grav...lucrurile au inceput sa intre intr-un ritm normal. Luni mi-am laut ustensiele sa-mi reapr bicicleta asa ca ieri a fost prima mea zi de ciclism. Avand in vedere ca orasul e pe coline la jumatatea drumului spre scoala m-am dat batuta si am mers usor usor cu bicicleta langa mine :). Colegii (danezi) mi-au spus ca intr-o luna cu putin exercitiu o sa reusesc sa cuceresc dealul de la scoala...asta sper si eu pentru timpul s-ar reduce la mai putin de jumatate de ora :D

Ieri seara am fost la prima noastra International Tuesday, care are loc undeva langa port intr-o fosta fabrica sau depozit care acum este casa studentilor.

Cand am ajuns era pustiu si ne-am imaginat ca este totul doar o formalitate la care nu vrea nimeni sa participe. Asa ca am plecat spre oras si am avut ocazia sa mai descopar chestii si sa mai fac poze.

Dar ne-am intors la "petrecere". Nimic nimeni interesant. Am stat mai mult cu Mara si am incercat sa profitam de faptul ca nu suntem in casa :)

I've decided not to think about things anymore and just go with the flow while I'm here. Today we went to Ikea to buy some home things and it was just like in Bucharest so I got this fuzzy warm feeling of being home :).