Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Why I'd rather be a Dog than a Romanian

Recently an old problem of the Romanian society was brought in the spotlight.

A woman was killed by a pack of dogs on a private property. The woman did not enter the property through the gate, but through a hole in the fence. Those dogs were of common breed, but were kept in the yard to protect it from scrap thieves.

All stray dogs represent a problem and should be taken off the streets of Bucharest/ Romania, and most likely euthanised because they are too many (about 20 thousand) and it's too expencive to manage them.

Stupidity fact no. 1:
In Romania there is no law that obliges owners to register their pets. Those dogs were kept there and fed with the purpose of protecting the yard. They were unfortunate to be of common breed. If those were, let's say, Rottweilers then they were guard dogs ment to protect that yard - how stupid can one be to think that stray dogs can also be considered guard dogs?! In certain countries you can shoot a person without any question if he/she enters a private property.

Doesn't matter the stray dogs are responsible!

Stupitidy fact no. 2:
Stray dogs have always been a problem for Romania, before and after the communist regime. Because Romanian politics, and the society in general, is built by the same old, lazy, mischevous fucks, nothing has been done until now - and will not from now on either. Stray dogs are a very good argument in campaigns, because people are very sensible to the problem.

After the event, TV channels and newspapers reacted acording to their political color. The media reactions were either extremly harsh, with images of dogs attacking eachother and people...or very gentle, but without realistic solutions to the problem and avoiding to point the finger on those responsible for the situation we are in. The public opinion's reaction was not suprising at all ... depending on what they hear, they react - for example if at the very moment a person has 3 arguments against stray dogs, everybody will agree; if after five minutes someone else comes with more or less than 3 argumets for stray dogs the same group of people will most likely agree again.

It's not the first time I notice that Romanians are mentally unstable. Hitler would be ashamed of how fast he would convince these people to kill eachother.

A lot of money are put in the city's budget to solve this problem, every year...and like magic it becomes worse and worse.The only realistic solution to the problem, but one that would also take some time, would be to pass a law that forces all dog owners to register their dogs and those that are not of pure breed to be spayed and neutered. This law exists but has been waiting to pass the Parliament for over three years. Also, abandoning a pet should be a falony. A law actually exists that punishes those abandoning their animals on the public domain, but from my experience I can tell you that it does not apply. Again, stray dogs are a very good argument in campaigns and bring a lot of money.

As for the stray dogs we already have, I believe that they are everybody's responsability. We are a society and we have to be together for better and for worse.

Stupidity fact no. 3
Romanians like violence. They enjoy blood and murder, just like most of the people on this planet who still let their cerebellar tonsil coordinate their emotions. The general reaction was "THEY HAVE TO DIE!!! We do not care whether they are humanly euthanised or not, whom do we have to pay to kill them?"

Romania is an orthodox country...this means traditional Christians that believe in God and obey the 10 Comandmants. There is a church at every crossroad and 70% of the people on the bus will make the cross sign and say something when they pass a church. Trust me...this means a lot of cross signs in one day. Over 90% of the population has a cross or a picture of a holy someone in their house, their purse, their car (some might even have 50 crosses on the windshield - it's a trend lately), their office etc.When you hear this, you expect a bunch of charitable, compassionate, mersiful, generous, forgiving and pitiful (all sinonyms were needed) people ... but their first reaction is KILL THEM, I DO NOT CARE HOW.

Hmmm....let us reconsider our belief system. Doesn't one of those comendments say "DO NOT KILL"? I don't recall a "P.S. except for stray dogs".

The stray dogs must be responsible for this also. After all, they are the ones fucking with peoples brains so that they don't know what to do and think anymore.

Stupidity fact no. 4
Romanians have no idea about civic culture. I remember I used to learn that in school, in the 3rd grade or something....my sister never did - 11 years later. After all what do we need civic culture for?! We are here to make money and to fight - even if this involves using detours. Romania is Machiavelli's perfect picture at the moment.

For this reason, it's not just the dogs that are responsible, but also those loosers volunteering to take them of the streets and take care of them. They blabel about spaying and neutering, and refuse to understand that the only way to get rid of the problem is to kill all stray dogs :))

These are just a few of the arguments for which I would rather be a dog that's doing what he's "paid" to do than a mentally deranged, mischievous Romanian.