Friday, May 21, 2010

Nunu the cat

Nunu was abandoned together with his brother. Once ROBI got a hold of them, they were both adopted. Two weeks after enjoying his happy family life, Nunu was returned. Why?! He was a mess....he "destroyed things", "broke mum's favourite vase", "wasn't able to learn where to pee" etc. So, he had to return to ROBI. Since we don't really have a cat shelter, the girl who initially found him had to take him back. This is a major part of the volunteer work at the association...

Now Nunu is at my place...I took him over for a week. He's the sweetest, cleanest cat possible. He has the bluest eyes, matched with a perfect cat attitude. He stays where you put him, loves to play and hide...and knows how to use the tray. I can't imagine why anyone would return a kitty like him.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dogrescue lobbying for European pets

April 19, four members of the European parliament, among others Marit Paulsen and Carl Schlyter from Sweden, submitted an official document, 26/2010 on behalf of Pets In Europe (PIE) as to our European pets wellbeing. The Parlamient has never legislated in matters concerning the wellfare of pets, as pets do not count within the common politicians fields. As of today, every single EU-country has to legislate their national laws. In practice this means that massive killings of stray dogs are carried out before every tourist season in many of the EU countries.

The document 26/2010 is a first important step on the way to a tangible law proposal regulating the complex of problems with stray dogs. In Romania, DogRescues, in collaboration with Save the Dogs, are together with PIE supervising the proceedings of the Parliament and tries to firstly help with the intensive neutering- and vaccination program. July 10, at the latest, at least half of the members in the EU-parliament must sign the official letter 26/2010 in order of approval.

At this moment representatives from DogRescue together with the Finnish friend organisation Hemlösa Hundars Vänner (Homeless Dogs Friends) are working together with convincing our Nordic members of Parliament to sign the document. On our web site we will keep you updated as to the campaign.

By: Föreningen DogRescue

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Legea 9/2008 - privind protectia animalelor

In virtutea legii 9/2008, in cazul in care sesizati acte de cruzime fata de animale (cu sau fara stapan) va rog sa apelati 9667.

Sub acceasi lege sunt pedepsiti: cei ce ameninta animale (mai ales pe cele fara stapan) cu otravire sau ucidere si cei ce le abandoneaza pe strada.

Pentru mai multe informatii despre cum se face o reclamatie click aici

Monday, May 10, 2010

Fair and Fest

Summer seams to be here and events are bulging into my life. Since I've known myself I hated having free time and the lats two years of my life were full of free time and laziness. I feel like I'm back in action, always too busy and sleeping sound. My weekdays are nothing but work and thesis writing...and occasional beer evenings with Ana. ROBI's animals took over most of my weekends, but I'm not complaining.

A prolific weekend, with 18 adopted animals, started on Saturdays, when I was as usual at the fair in Obor. The purpose of the fair is to give animals, stray animals, for adoption. We have puppies and kitties for adoptions, but even though they are cute and cuddly, at the end of the day just a few find a home. For them, it's crucial to be adopted while small, because people usually look for a dog to grow with. If they are not adopted, they have to be moved to Glina, the animal shelter. It's heartbreaking when we see these puppies, full of energy, clumsy and naive, unable to find a loving home and being transported back to the yard where they are temporarily kept, at the end of every Saturday.

On Sunday I'm usually at Glina. The good weather takes a lot of volunteers to Glina, so it's easier to also attend other events. That's why this Sunday I went to ONGfest to represent the animal association. Romania has a lot of social problems, most of these problems clearly dividing the population: gypsies, abandoned children, abandoned elderly people and stray animals. At the fest, most of the attendants were presenting one of these social issues. I was surprised to learn that out of these, children and stray animals were mostly represented and attracting peoples attention. Opinions are divided...I myself could never chose between helping a child or a dog. The only thing driving me towards animals is that I can't sit around sad's too cruel for me. My mother works in a kindergarden for children with hearing and mental deficiencies and I can't even go there to see the children. Most of them have been abandoned...and it's frustrating. I am future driven, so I always think about what will happen with these souls over the years and while dogs can live in a small yard with some food and a little love, you cannot keep a child like that. I'm a beginner in social helping, so maybe over the years I will become more mature and shift my attention...

Thursday, May 06, 2010

It's been a while...

...since I visited my blog. The place where I can lay all my frustrations, read them later, and decide whether to delete the post or not.

It's already May...and I:
- am still happily employed - important fact for the way unemployment rates go
- visited Paris for real - all I can say is: another town down, billion others to go :)
- turned 24 - which is before 25, an important age for me because that's when I should start wearing anti-wrinkle face creams
- miss leaving abroad and always think about what I was doing this time last year
- hate having to start digging more and more into the system - you can ask me anything about the labour law, taxes and income laws, state health insurance etc.
- am getting ready to move out

...but most important:
- am a volunteer for an animal association (ROBI) - I am doing what I always wanted to do: help those who can't ask for it.

I've been a volunteer for 3 months now. I can say that I passed my trial period well.
Yes, I did become a little bit more obsessed with stray animals, and turn my head after each dog.
No, I am not a vegetarian and I don't think I could ever be.
Yes, I've been called crazy and told that there are so many other good deeds that I could do, if I wanted to (like helping abandoned children or elderly people).
No, my house is not full of animals now, and I don't go around like people from the church preaching my cause and asking for money and moral support.
Yes, I think I became a better person.

I've done my first good deed and castrated two of the "bitches" from my block....tomorrow they will also be pest free. But this is like a star fish in an ocean. :)

I think my experience with animals (added to the experience I get just by walking out of the door in the morning) hasn't enriched my knowledge about them, their habits and diseases, as much as it enriched my knowledge about people. When I say this, I do not refer to the way people see animals and behave towards them, but to the way people are. We (Romanians) are very uneducated, frustrated and scared. The system is rotten, and as positive as I am in general, I don't see anything in the near future. Myself, like the majority of this country's population wait for tomorrow to see what will is well known that the lack of security can take away lives...unfortunately, this is what defines Romania in 2010.