Nunu was abandoned together with his brother. Once ROBI got a hold of them, they were both adopted. Two weeks after enjoying his happy family life, Nunu was returned. Why?! He was a mess....he "destroyed things", "broke mum's favourite vase", "wasn't able to learn where to pee" etc. So, he had to return to ROBI. Since we don't really have a cat shelter, the girl who initially found him had to take him back. This is a major part of the volunteer work at the association...
Now Nunu is at my place...I took him over for a week. He's the sweetest, cleanest cat possible. He has the bluest eyes, matched with a perfect cat attitude. He stays where you put him, loves to play and hide...and knows how to use the tray. I can't imagine why anyone would return a kitty like him.