Friday, May 21, 2010

Nunu the cat

Nunu was abandoned together with his brother. Once ROBI got a hold of them, they were both adopted. Two weeks after enjoying his happy family life, Nunu was returned. Why?! He was a mess....he "destroyed things", "broke mum's favourite vase", "wasn't able to learn where to pee" etc. So, he had to return to ROBI. Since we don't really have a cat shelter, the girl who initially found him had to take him back. This is a major part of the volunteer work at the association...

Now Nunu is at my place...I took him over for a week. He's the sweetest, cleanest cat possible. He has the bluest eyes, matched with a perfect cat attitude. He stays where you put him, loves to play and hide...and knows how to use the tray. I can't imagine why anyone would return a kitty like him.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dogrescue lobbying for European pets

April 19, four members of the European parliament, among others Marit Paulsen and Carl Schlyter from Sweden, submitted an official document, 26/2010 on behalf of Pets In Europe (PIE) as to our European pets wellbeing. The Parlamient has never legislated in matters concerning the wellfare of pets, as pets do not count within the common politicians fields. As of today, every single EU-country has to legislate their national laws. In practice this means that massive killings of stray dogs are carried out before every tourist season in many of the EU countries.

The document 26/2010 is a first important step on the way to a tangible law proposal regulating the complex of problems with stray dogs. In Romania, DogRescues, in collaboration with Save the Dogs, are together with PIE supervising the proceedings of the Parliament and tries to firstly help with the intensive neutering- and vaccination program. July 10, at the latest, at least half of the members in the EU-parliament must sign the official letter 26/2010 in order of approval.

At this moment representatives from DogRescue together with the Finnish friend organisation Hemlösa Hundars Vänner (Homeless Dogs Friends) are working together with convincing our Nordic members of Parliament to sign the document. On our web site we will keep you updated as to the campaign.

By: Föreningen DogRescue

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Legea 9/2008 - privind protectia animalelor

In virtutea legii 9/2008, in cazul in care sesizati acte de cruzime fata de animale (cu sau fara stapan) va rog sa apelati 9667.

Sub acceasi lege sunt pedepsiti: cei ce ameninta animale (mai ales pe cele fara stapan) cu otravire sau ucidere si cei ce le abandoneaza pe strada.

Pentru mai multe informatii despre cum se face o reclamatie click aici