Friday, November 28, 2008

Out of the ordinary

Though the week didn't pass, November deserves more posts especially because it has been such a prolific month. Or maybe I'll just make it a long post I'm going to add stuff to until the end of the week so that I will have a complete week registration. On the emotional side I'm in a big hole, and the gap isn't going to be filled so fast I guess. Let's say this is just one of the lessons I have to learn about life and take it as it is. Ana and Irina decided that this year we should have a posh new year’s celebration. This is going to be a switch in our usual way of life as for one important night...we will become the people we don't like and talk bad about. But it's going to be a good experience since you have to be ready for anything in this life. This might also be our last new years together...I'm not making a statement out of this but it looks like the fading borders of our country are carrying us beyond. Who knows where we will be next year and what we will be doing? But there's a first time for everything and the beginning is the most difficult I guess.

Next week I start my exams, so this has been very much a learning week.

Waking up in the morning after long sleepless nights seem to make the process go slow. Still, today it's Friday so I guess everything passed fast. I don't feel smarter but I feel like I'm doing something - culturally. The long struggle with books and infinite texts on law and history became effervescent yesterday. After waking up at 7 in the morning and falling asleep till 8 while eating breakfast in bad...I managed to get to school (not in time). The 15 minutes rule we have here, the "European" excuse for always being late made me lazy. At the beginning I was first in class but now I'm one of the ones who comes later and has to say a shy "Hi!" to the teachers while trying to make as little noise as possible when sitting. So… yesterday after school I went to the first Hindu temple of my life. Uwe made an arrangement and I went with my Diaspora class to visit a diasporic built temple next to Aarhus. The guide was only speaking in Danish so we didn't understand a thing...but it was nice to see how they managed to transform a warehouse in a spiritual house, where they performed rituals and brought gifts to their Gods.

I got home kinnda late and I knew the girls were in one of the dormitories watching Danish cartoon. I was sorry to miss that but fate was in my favour  Just 5 minutes after I got in Marketa came to get more wine. Knowing that they will stay longer and not having school today pushed me to join them. This is how I got drunk last night, came home after midnight and for the first time in a week managed to sleep and wake up rested and ready. I guess the fresh start is on his way.

Oh yeah...this Monday I saw the first real snowflakes this Aarhus :)

This morning - that is today, Saturday the 29th - the babies that live above woke me up again. Since we moved here every morning we have the same alarm - voices of babies. Above us there's a young family and they have twins. Across the door from them lives the father's brother who himself has 1 baby. The babies are less than 2 years but they are so noisy. The run, they jump, they drop things, they scream, they cry, they play the piano, they sing loudly...everything. I don't know how the parents keep up with that. It's funny though that they only do it around 8 in the morning till 9. It was terrible at the begging and I hated them. I wanted to go up and shout at them and tell them to shut up and stop waking me up every morning. But now I got used. And it's nice to hear baby voices as the first thing when you wake up. Also they always look at me and smile when I see them from my kitchen window. They are like little devils, smiling because they know they are doing something wrong but knowing that they are sweet and there's nothing I can do against them. The parents are so calm...and so many times I witnessed them calmly trying to convince the toddler not to scream and cry. Anyway they are the cutest babies in the world...they make me think about my he/she will look/act/cry/drive me nuts...I think I would like to have a love-child that I can raise on my own and share all my joy and sorrow with. It will probably be difficult to achieve but who knows what will happen in 3 or 4 years from now :)

Anyway to switch the subject from the dreamy stuff...last night we went to theatre  It was the first play I saw in Aarhus. We went to the Russian academy of theatre and the play was in English, specially made for foreigners. The play was called "Dancing in Lughansa" by Brian Friel. It was a combination of family drama (sister drama), music and choreography. We enjoyed it very much, especially because the room the play was in, was really small and intimate and it gave you a nice vibe with the actors. All this cultural stuff I'm doing makes me want more and dream more about the things I would like to do. I'm sometimes thinking if I've chosen the right carrier...maybe I would have felt better as a teacher or an artist of some sort or an actress
We initially left home earlier yesterday because we wanted to see the Christmas parade. All the Christmas stuff already started here and the spirit of Christmas is everywhere. Christmas beer, Christmas songs, Christmas outfits, Christmas sprees, Christmas decorations. The difference between here and Bucharest, where we also have all the lights and Christmas decorations, is that here you can feel it some how being pure. People really enjoy themselves and they embrace the spirit and share the joy...even if it's not December yet. Anyway...we didn't get to see the parade because we were too late/early/in the wrong place, but we took a walk through the multitude of people and lights...eating caramelized almonds :D.

Saturday we went to the bazar they sent up in Studenternhus. It was the first time when I went shopping for clothes with the girls and we make a good team...We tried on thousands of dresses, sweaters, jackets, shoes and t-shirts. The bathroom was full with us…exchanging clothes and looking in the mirror. I think I got closer to them than I actually am with my friends. We get naked one in front of the other and talk about all the stupid, girly things that go through our brains. the end I bought 2 nice, short dresses (black and grey), 2 Jackie Kennedy jackets that go with the dresses (green and grey), a nice scarf and 2 very vintage hairpins (one that goes with the scarf and a black leather one).

We finished one of our last weekends together with a fire on the beach and moulded wine. It's illegal to make a fire on the beach here and you can only do it if you have permission from the Police - which of course we didn't. This Sunday was the first Advent - this means that there are 3 more Sundays to Christmas and the first Christmas candle was lighted. From this day forward Christmas is officially coming and candles and lights will fill the city. The fire on the beach was really nice. It was my first time on a beach in almost was my first fire on a beach and the feeling we got when we walked on the mole in the sea was unique. The dark was all around us and the sound and smell of water made us scream and dream to go forward. It was just like the bath I took with Ana at home at night in Vama Veche.

We left the fire because it got windy and our wood was almost over. Other people preferred to stay longer, but we decided to go to a coffee shop down town  The road down town from the beach is the nicest and most romantic place I've been in. I'd like everyone to see it because it's really special but I guess that's hard to share. There's just a bike lane and on one side you have the cold Nordic Sea and on the other you have a deep dark forest. In front you can see the lights of the city and imagine the life that is calling you. We got to the city pretty fast because the Aarhus is small. We went to this really nice coffee shop where we ended the day with some warm tea and hot chocolate. Now I feel ready for my next week. This month passed to fast and there are only three more weeks to go. We will try to make the best of them because they will pass even faster.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunny day in November

I was too depressed this morning and I didn't really feel like sharing my thoughts...or at least it's not easy too, so I decided to ask Mara to go in the centre and take some photos since it was sunny. The whether was just like me so I kinnda felt good something was sharing my state, sunny on the outside but so cold on the inside. We ended up meeting with Lina and Kamila and drinking hot chocolate in a beautiful cafe. We also added some postcards to our collection. We have at least one material thing in common which I will always remember.

Anonymous lives

I’ve decided to post about something that doesn't belong to me anymore. I’m tired, sad and pissed, but I guess I can’t do anything at the moment to change any of these. I let somebody hid their weakness behind my decisions again. I guess the thing that I said about hating people judging you by age applies. So fucking what if I’m only 22?! Am I not qualified to be honest with my feelings?! Till some days ago I had thoughts about my life and the way it should be. I guess when it takes so long for you to decide others do it for you. I don’t feel like returning anymore…Failure after failure after failure…I don’t know if things are going to change but at least I can say I tried. I should just start acting my age and dream a lot more than I do. I should just go from one to another and not imagine wedding dresses and nice family holidays around the chimney. I should know better because of what I am studying that the world is changing and start acting accordingly. We are all lost and the fish-bowl doesn't have just two lost souls in it anymore but more or only one…there is no such thing as two. I hate you for not giving me a chance. I hate you for lying to me. I hate you for trying to protect me from something I could not have been protected from. I hate you for making me dream. But I guess I love you for waking me up at the end…wet and with tears in my eyes, like from a bad dream when you sleep with your fists strongly clutched and wake up with nail marks in the palm of your hand. Ana’s phobias are everyone’s, not just hers, and admitting them would be a big step forward…a step from drowning in thoughts and worries. “I thought I could do it for one month…”