Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Just your average cat Mirela


Mirela is ready to go home. No more scared, she proves to be a normal, loving and playful kitten waiting for her ideal family to come and get her. 

In one week of love, good  food and a soft bed to sleep in, she turned from this almost wild cat into a perfect apartment cat. She enjoys her space, her toys and her humans very much.

She still offers free kitty massages as soon as you hold her and purrs like an industrial machine :)

She's clean and only uses the litter box. She's not very picky when it comes to food. She's quite and allows you to have your personal space as well. 

Yesterday (22.05) I received a call from one of Asociatia Robi's volunteers. They all have kittens and cats with baby kittens fostered at home, so they needed somebody to pick up this 2 months old cat just found under a car the night before. Willing I said yes, and there was Mirela standing in my arms later that evening, after picking her up from the guys who found her.

The tragic story of a some kittens whose mother got ran over by a car, left in the basement of an apartment building when they were to young to take care of themselves. First thought of as being 5...and acknowledge that they were actually 6 (some ladies took them in their care and offered them for a adoption). But there came the 7th - Mirela. After spending days alone in the basement she got brave enough to discover the world...on a cold, windy and rainy day. As soon as she got out she crawled under a car and started crying.

She's still scared, but so very loving. She purrs and offers free kitty massages every time you take her into your arms.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


A simple book that doesn't reveal any secrets, but makes common sense obvious to its readers. It encourages communication, polite communication.

My favorite story form the book:

Batranul, etica personala si scorpionul

Intr-o dimineata, dupa ce a terminat de meditat, batranul a deschis ochii si a vazut un scorpion plutind neputincios pe apa. Pe masura ce batranul privea, scorpionul se apropria de o radacina mai lunga si a s-a intins sa salveze creatura de la inec.

De indata ce batranul a atins scorpionul, acesta l-a intepat. Instinctiv, omul si-a retras mana. Un pic mai tarziu, dupa ce si-a recastigat echilibrul, batranul s-a prins din nou de radacina si s-a intins sa salveze scorpionul. De aceasta data, scorpionul l-a intepat atat de tare cu coada sa otravita, incat mana a inceput sa i se umfle si sa se inroseasca, iar fata i s-a contorsionat de durere.

Dupa un moment, omul a incercat sa ajunga iar la scoprion. Exact atunci, un trecator l-a vazut pe batran tinandu-se de radacini, intins la maximum, luptandu-se sa salveze scorpionul si a strigat:
Hei, batran naiv, ce e in neregula cu tine? Doar un nebun si-ar risca viata de dragul unei creaturi malefice si urate. Nu-ti dai seama ca ai putea sa mori incercand sa salvezi scorpionul acela nerecunoscator?

Batranul a intors capul. S-a uitat in ochii strainului si a spus calm:
Prietene, numai pentru ca sta in firea scorpionului sa intepe, nu schimba firea mea, care ma face sa incerc sa-l salvez.
Bufon in corporatie
David T. Riveness

Monday, May 14, 2012

Restored nightstand

I love antiques and could easily live in a furniture museum :) I own several pieces of "old" decoration objects, but not furniture. It's not easy to get old furniture in an already furnished house, but maybe some day I will have at least a room.

I managed to get an old coffee table form one of my neighbors who was planning to throw it away. It's a '60s Romanian hand made coffee table which I will turn into a nightstand.

Restoration steps:
1. cleaning - it has paint stains all over it

2. removing the old paint layer

3. cleaning, polishing and applying an oil base

4. applying the new layer of paint - it's going to be black :)