The second thing that really gave me a good laugh (ironic faith type of laugh) was more extreme. While I was eating my 10 o'clock lunch with Marketa somebody started knocking hard and ringing at the door. We had no idea who it was and we've been told about someone who comes randomly to invoice the radio/internet waves...and the bill is pretty we decided not to answer :). He stopped, but after 10 minutes he was back...and we got really scared and of course didn't answer. Finally he stopped and came to Edita's window to make us signs to open the door...and we did...and it was the janitor. They had a problem with the sewage upstairs so he needed to know that we would be home when the plumbers will come to also check our kitchen sewage. Of course he was pissed at us, but we were scared :D. Anyway, before I tell the rest of the story I must say that this weekend we had general cleaning, which is once a semester and someone from the university comes to check if it's properly made...and it has to be otherwise they call in a cleaning company and charge we spent all weekend cleaning to the extreme, everything. So...the plumbers came and started working in the apartment up stairs...they said everything is ok in our apartment, so we were relaxed. But after 10 minutes the kitchen was full of a black, smelly, sticky grease with water and hair and iiiiiiiiiiiii...horribleeeee.....the walls, the floor, the dishes, the furniture...everything. We couldn't do anything but looked so bad and this was after one whole weekend of super cleaning...and tomorrow they are coming to check it...One of the plumbers agreed to help us clean. So he put on his gloves...rolled his sleeves and got on his knees to clean the floor while we were cleaning the furniture and the walls. He was a typical Danish guy: big and blond...Viking type...with a rose model tattoo on his forearm and a very strange sense of humour, as he was trying to make us feel better by telling us that we should be happy..."it could have been shit" :))...ha ha ha...funnnnyyyy…so we cleaned again…everything. I am only sorry for the t-shirt I was wearing which turned a bit violet from brown because of the acid in the dirty thing.
The day is not yet over, but I hope no other things worth remembering will happen :)