Sunday, March 08, 2009

Broken strings

I feel so lazy…and tomorrow the action starts again. Doing nothing gets me so tired and lazy…My mind is field with controversial thoughts right now…about many things…my personal conclusion is that the world is completely f**ked and this is only because people live in it…we are so weird, difficult, impossible to understand and selfish that we became blind to everything…all in all we are nothing but some stupid asses destroying everything we don’t really have to pay for (nature, feelings, relationships, ideologies etc.). I'm a bit broken...

Though I was pessimistic about the Martisor last weekend on Monday my Bulgarian classmate surprised me with one. I think it's the most beautiful Martisor I ever's a girl made of red and white threads, just like the one in my previous post...and I felt weird getting one in Denmark from someone in Bulgaria. They call the celebration "Baba Marta" and the idea behind the celebration is the same as in Romania. I don't know the roots of the celebration, because they didn't have it in it's not coming for Russia. (need of further research at some point in this life)

On Wednesday I felt like an workacholic or a money addict. I worked more that ever - 3 hours of cleaning, 3 hours Romanian classes with Rein (which by the way are weird, I never imagined how difficult it is to explain Romanian to someone), 4 hours of projecting for LSRS and at the end of the day again 6 hours of cleaning (because Marketa went to Copenhagen with her Czech friends who came to visit). Yes...I was dead at the end of the day. But at least I had a no cleaning day on Friday...though it was a long day at school.

I made MUCENICIIIII!!!!!!!!! I am a true Ratatouille.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Last day of winter – First day of spring

I am starting to get the meaning and hidden logic of my blog. It gives me the opportunity to look back and see what I was doing last year in the same period, what my thoughts were and even how I looked. I love this…especially because of my gold fish memory.

Today it’s basically the start of my favourite period of the year. This is because the sun starts shining again, nature blossoms, hope resurrects, we stop hibernating and head for a prolific, fun year and of course I have my birthday. I’m a bit sorry to miss all the “Martisor” commotion, but I feel it more from here than when I was at home, maybe because for the first time the financial frustration of buying things disappeared and I truly enjoy the first day of spring in red and white. Still, I imagine my Bucharest crowded with people desperately trying to find something special this year to give the loved ones. I imagine everybody wearing the white and red thread around their wrists or on their chest. I miss the thread I always used to have around my wrist...I'm not going to have it this year I guess, as nobody is going to give me a Martisor.

This week I tried to push myself physically a bit too much. I decided to go to the gym. And it was a wise decision to take…if only I would learn not to exaggerate with things when I start doing them. My muscles hurt like hell…especially my legs, which in my mind should have already been trained from cycling. Anyway, this week I went to Tae Bo, Funk and Boxing - twice. I'm going to pursue the boxing thing because it is really relaxing to do something aggressive and get the hunger to scream and run out in another way. I will also try some other programs and maybe by the end of this week decide what is better for my body and mind. And…oh my God…I went to the solar…for the first time and I didn't change my colour one bit…but I will peruse…not till I get a carbonised look, but till I get some colour.

On Tuesday we had the Festvalen for International Students, so I made up a quick costume (cat) and went, even if I had a really full day. It was good to see people again but we didn't stay long, because we had to wake up at 4 the next day.

Tomorrow I'm sending my application to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I decided to apply for the Embassy in Madrid or the Romanian UNESCO representation in Paris. I don’t know which I would prefer…I just hope I get accepted…so fingers crossed for me…If I get it I will spend my summer (July – September) far from home and under the sun.

And this week I got my first salary…yuuppyyy…they pay here for 2 weeks every 2 weeks… a strange system for me, because basically after one month of work I received the money for two weeks and things are getting a bit delayed…so I got just enough money to pay my rent. I hope I’ll manage to raise some money for summer in this rhythm…I have to stop myself from buying unnecessary things, especialy food – a difficult thing to achieve in my case.

To celebrate the first day of spring we went on a walk through a forest which used to be glacier 15000 years ago and where they found some ancient thumbs and then on a beautiful beach.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Vibing with nature

Yesterday we had a walk through the natural landscape of Aarhus. We were actually planning on taking a bath but it started snowing before we got to the beach. Still our hopes for taking a bath soon are high because we saw the first spring signs, snowbells. I was again mesmerised by the beautiful houses on the beach, of which I am going to take pictures at some point. I would love to leave in one of those houses, even though it's Denmark.

Now...the story with the "comforters" tree (last picture) is that someone started some sort of tradition. When babies get a bit too old for comforters they come here with their moms, put the comforter in the tree, with a message or something, and never use one again. I think it's pretty smart and non traumatic.