Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ideal Carrers :)

Your Career Personality: Flexible, Good-Natured, and Energetic

Your Ideal Careers:


Dog walker

Elementary school teacher

Fashion designer

Interior decorator



Personal shopper


Wedding planner

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

10th - Somehow getting use

Cred ca am inceput sa ma obisnuiesc cu ce se intampla pe aici. Si incet-incet incep sa si descopar locurile si oamenii. Duminica am fost intr-o mica excursie la un lac din apropiere cu Marketa. 

Din pacate nu am putut sa vedem lacul de aproape din cauza vegetatiei stufoase din jurul lui. A fost totusi destul de dragutz pentru ca nu a mai plouat si am stat putin cu fetele in soare.

Nu se mai intampla nimic spectaculos, ciudat sau grav...lucrurile au inceput sa intre intr-un ritm normal. Luni mi-am laut ustensiele sa-mi reapr bicicleta asa ca ieri a fost prima mea zi de ciclism. Avand in vedere ca orasul e pe coline la jumatatea drumului spre scoala m-am dat batuta si am mers usor usor cu bicicleta langa mine :). Colegii (danezi) mi-au spus ca intr-o luna cu putin exercitiu o sa reusesc sa cuceresc dealul de la scoala...asta sper si eu pentru timpul s-ar reduce la mai putin de jumatate de ora :D

Ieri seara am fost la prima noastra International Tuesday, care are loc undeva langa port intr-o fosta fabrica sau depozit care acum este casa studentilor.

Cand am ajuns era pustiu si ne-am imaginat ca este totul doar o formalitate la care nu vrea nimeni sa participe. Asa ca am plecat spre oras si am avut ocazia sa mai descopar chestii si sa mai fac poze.

Dar ne-am intors la "petrecere". Nimic nimeni interesant. Am stat mai mult cu Mara si am incercat sa profitam de faptul ca nu suntem in casa :)

I've decided not to think about things anymore and just go with the flow while I'm here. Today we went to Ikea to buy some home things and it was just like in Bucharest so I got this fuzzy warm feeling of being home :).

Sunday, September 07, 2008

07th - A bit better maybe

The second part of my first week was a bit better. On Thursday I had my first class. It's called International Business Analysis and it's about accounting and organising a company as good as possible so that the profit is big enough to sustain all the expenses  This is a 4 hour course with short 10 min. brakes. It's not really long and boring because it's interactive - power point presentation and questions for the teacher. I thought I wasn't going to like it when I first heard what's about but I think it's pretty interesting...I had a lot of questions and the teacher was really helpful in solving the puzzles in my mind. We have two really big books which of course are extremely expensive. I think I'll just copy them. After that I came home pissed because my internet was still not working. And my entrepreneurial side stepped in. So I just started pushing all the buttons on the modem, switch it off and on, change switches and what do you know at some point it started working. I was like in the 7th heaven...I couldn't believe it. 

I signed up for an elective class on Diasportas and Homelands so even if Friday was my free day I sacrificed it for this course. We have a young German teacher specialised in Indian studies so I guess this is going to be mainly about the Hindu diaspora...but I'll still be going because it's interesting and we have free talks and watch movies and visit places. The day ended really late because I joined the Friday Bar. This is some sort of party every department in the university organises every Friday not only for foreign students. This is for socialising and drinking a beer together. So I integrated in the cultural rituals and attended my department's Friday Bar. It was nice because I got to talk and met a few new people. I even entered a Danish study group. They take the same course as me and it's going to be interesting as I am the only foreigner in the group. They use study groups here to organise exam studies, make projects and answer each others questions. I think it's an interesting way of learning but it will take a lot of my time. I also met a Bulgarian guy and he was extremely excited to met me because he likes Romania  or so he says, and he said, I quote, finely found a person to talk to. He was a bit to enthusiastic but I think he's ok. I left the Friday Bar to join another party - the international students free dinner. Marketa was on Orientation Day and she knew about this and told me and Mara to join. We met at the Math Department and after one week ate a normal dinner. 

I got home barefoot because my boots killed my feet again.

Yesterday I went to buy a new bike. I thought that since I'm staying here longer it's a better idea to buy a new one. But guess what...they gave it to me without paddles, with flat tires and the stare is the other way around. So now I have to wait till Monday to fix it...this was really disappointing because I wasn't expecting this to happen. Maybe I'm just unlucky. But I got over it...I washed some clothes with Mara...and discovered how to use the washing machine in the basement. They have a really interesting system. In the basement there are two old washing machines and a dryer. Every person leaving here has a card. With the card you schedule in advance the day and hours you want to use the washing machine. This is like a credit card so it takes money that are added to your rent - it'a 15 kr/wash. We had a bad experience with the dryer because it didn't dry our clothes - we probably didn't use it right so we paid for nothing and had to hang our clothes in the balcony :( Than after eating a frozen pizza - I will soon die of starvation - we went to the centre to a concert. We had a nice Saturday evening with music and bier. 

This was something like the last evening of the Aarhus yearly festival so we had to go. I'm sorry I don't have a camera and take more pictures of what I see and do. And I also got myself some Kanye West glasses.

Now I should say a few words about the Danes because these days I got a little disappointed  During the weekend - which starts on Friday evening - I saw a part I was afraid to see here. Dirt and lack of civilisation  I was expecting too much from a northern country but it seams that people are the same everywhere. They get really drunk and there is no age limit for this. They throw up and piss on the street, they throw garbage everywhere and they turn into some sort of wild, on the loose rebels. It's just weird for me because I was expecting something else and it's a bit shocking. It's fun because everybody is free but it's scary because anything could happen. They are all just like those foreign business man coming in Terminus, getting wasted and spending a lot of money on a non really that fun activity - getting drunk. It seams like this is their cultural understanding of having fun - getting drunk and wearing weird clothes. And than the thing with the bike - it's lack of organisation...I don't know maybe I'm just expecting too much from the people in the West. I don't want to rush into conclusions so I am just going to wait till December to have a clear straight conclusion on what Danes are like. Maybe they are just like the weather here - you never know what you're going to get in 5 min.