I had a very wacky weekend at it isn't over yet.
1st - Friday
Work as usual...it might sound boring but it isn't actually for me - it makes such a difference when you are working somewhere you like and not just waking up every morning to go to your same old boring job :D Oh yeah...the nice part about Friday was that I had a slumber party with my sister and Cata and her sisters over at her house...I was extremely tired but we hung out and had a funny Friday evening with nail polish, food, ice cream, make up, movies and Saturday Night Live :)
2nd - Saturday
I went to driving school after not a full night of sleep :)...and hmmm I drove pretty well even if I was tired. I really enjoy driving I think I'm gonna be a race car driver when I grow up. After that I went to the mall with Ana because...we had to make reservations for...tattoos :D Surprisingly I really did it this time too, I still have time to make up my mind but I won't cause it's sweet and it will make me feel sweet :)Then we went through the desert like weather, and we walked in the sun like two snakes crawling to find shadow…I could actually feel my feet burning on the pavement..we sat for a nice freshly squeezed juice at Green Hours and than returned to her house...where surprise I got sick because of the sun. So in a brilliant moment of absolute smartness I puked. Ana had to work so she took me home where I slept for...a lot of hours...
3rd - Sunday
A day full of nothing
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Oh no...I actually will!!!
In about 56 days starting today I will be on an airplane above Bucharest…where to?!...it's simple...to my new life. It will be something like - my life without me...except I will not be dead but gone :). My friends and family will still be here, carrying on with their lives while I will be remembered and talked about from time to time. While my life will continue in Bucharest through other peoples words I will be away, on the other side of Europe, in the North to be exact, trying to tell and continue my life in other languages.
Am I scared?!...hell yes I am. I get the same feeling every time I board on a plane and I am going to get it now too…for sure. I will most likely feel sad and lonely for a couple of days because I won't know anybody, and I will be tired and confused. But then I get to personalize my space :D and start finding people that suit me or which at least could be changed by me to be like me, maybe that's why God made humans by his own image, because he was felling lonely and frustrated in this new place he started hanging over :P
At the moment I'm just getting spiritually ready to see my new room, my new friends and get new habits. Fingers crossed for me :D
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
In Romania...you live like a dog - you die like a dog
Scandal la morga din Găeşti: O familie şi-a luat mortul plin de viermi
Familia unui tânăr decedat îi acuză pe medicii legişti de la morga spitalului din oraşul dâmboviţean Găeşti că nu iau măsuri astfel încât cadavrele aduse la autopsie să nu se descompună din cauza căldurii, fiind ţinute la temperaturi de peste 30 de grade, fără aer condiţionat sau lăzi frigorifice.
Familia unui tânăr de 28 de ani, din comuna dâmboviţenă Mogoşani, sat Cojocaru, spune că a primit, luni, într-un sac de plastic, cadavrul descopus al acestuia, după ce a fost ţinut mai bine de 48 de ore la morga Spitalului din Găeşti, într-o caldură insuportabilă.
Tânărul, Marian Dragomir, a murit în urma unui infarct în timp ce muncea la construcţia propriei case, cadavrul acestuia fiind dus, sâmbătă, la morgă, unde a stat până luni, când a fost făcută autopsia.
"L-au ţinut la Găeşti mai bine de 48 de ore, într-un grajd, nu au cameră frigorifică. Vinovat este medicul de gardă, care l-a primit şi inspectorul de la Poliţie care nu a anunţat medicina legală să vină să-i facă autopsia. Am anuntaţ-o eu ieri (n.r.-luni) la 10.30. Practic l-am luat cu viermi de la morgă", a declarat, marţi, Marin Tănase, unchiul tânărului.
"Suntem un popor creştin ortodox şi la orice înmormantare trebuie îndeplinit un ritual, adică mortul să fie spălat şi îmbrăcat. Din cauza unor instituţii ale statului nu am putut duce la îndeplinire acest ritual. Am înţeles că este plin de viermi", a declarat primarul comunei Mogoşani, Angelică Marinel.
Potrivit managerului Spitalului Orăşenesc Găeşti, Cristina Seltea, morga nu poate fi dotată cu aparatură de răcire din lipsă acută de fonduri.
"Fiind tânăr, am pus sub semnul întrebării decesul lui şi în astfel de cazuri este obligatoriu examenul medico-legal. Trebuie solicitată Poliţia, Poliţia solicită medicina legală. Până la consultul medico-legal, mortul stă în mod normal la morga spitalului. Normal că pe căldura aceasta, morga nefiind dotată cu aparate de aer condiţionat şi nici cu ladă frigorifică, cadavrul a ajuns într-o stare degradată până să fie consultat. Ne confruntăm cu lipsa fondurilor", a declarat managerul Spitalului Orăşenes Găeşti, Seltea Cristina.
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