Monday, November 30, 2009

One way to fly

As usual I get information either to soon or to late. Fascinated as I am about flying and stuff, I always get curious when people talk about flying lessons or flight attendant courses. I never considered or heard about parachuting though...and I don't mean the Romanian expression...Anyway, this idea flew around my ears when Ana told me that you could get free lessons until you're 23...since I'll be 24 in April, I started making plans. A deeper research unraveled magic information have to actually be between 16 and 22 and according to people who tried this, the equipment is a bit "extreme". I guess it's to supplement the adrenaline rush before the jump. Oh well...another wish on my chaotic list...maybe one day I will have a video with me jumping off a plane, flying.

I'll book this under "when I will be old I'll always say I wanted to do that to my nephews", next to wishes I previously expressed, such as driving a motorcycle and bungee jumping.