The Autonomous Community (Comunidad Autónoma) is the first-level political division of the Kingdom of Spain, established in accordance with the Spanish Constitution. The second article of the constitution recognizes the rights of "regions and nationalities" to self-government and declares the "indissoluble unity of the Spanish nation".
Spain is divided into 17 autonomous communities. These regional governments are responsible for schools, universities, health, social services, culture, urban and rural development and, in some places, policing.
- Andalucia
*Sevilla (Government)
*Granada (Court of Justice)
- Aragon
* Zaragoza
- Principado de Asturias
* Oviedo
- Islas Baleares
* Palma de Mallorca
- Comunidad Autonoma Vasca
* Vitoria
- Islas Canarias
* Santa Cruz de Tenerife
- Cantabria
* Santander
- Castila-La Mancha
* Toledo (Government)
* Albacete(Court of Justice)
- Castilla y Leon
* Valladolid (Government)
* Burgos (Court of Justice)
- Catalonia
* Barcelona
- Extremadura
* Merida
- Galicia
* Snatiago de Compostela(Government)
* La Coruna (Court of Justice)
- La Rioja
* Logrono
- Madrid
* Madrid
- Region de Murcia
* Murcia (Government)
* Cartagena (Parliament)
- Comunidad Foral de Navarra
* Pamplona
- Comunidad Valenciana
* Valencia
The problem is that thses communities instead of making the country stronger they tear it apart. There is a very strong competition between them and the national spirt dies with this. People don't see themselves as Spanish, but as representatives of their own region. The Spanish are the ones in Madrid.