The Czech people we had over last week brought back the urge to travel in me. Seeing them with backpacks, ready to hit the road made me dream again and leave the house. That's how I decided to take Marketa with me and go in Odense at Mihai. And a smart decision that was, especially since he will be leaving at the begging of May and I will only, probably, see him in Bucharest.
It was the perfect trip...very active 2 days and a half trip. We visited the city, played basketball, badminton, fuss ball, pool, got semi drunk and played truth or dare in the Kollegiet bar, barbecued played football with French/Spanish/Greek and whatever other nationalities we met, went canoeing, got attacked by a swan (the first and hopefully last time in my life...I got so scared), watched movies, cooked and slept well...not with Mihai this time, but with Marketa. I have feet are bruised...but I am suntanned, relaxed and happy to have enjoyed the great weather on the Catholic/Protestant Easter.