Marilyn Monroe was born with 6 toes on one foot.
A Rhinos horn is made of pressured hair. Peanuts are one of the ingredients in dynamite. The national anthem in A goldfish only remembers the last three seconds of its life. February 1856 is the only month not to have a full moon. If you cut off the head of a cockroach it will live until it dies from starvation. A human being eats around 9 spiders in their sleep in a lifetime. In A normal chocolate bar contains around 8 insect’s legs. The shortest war in history was between | |
If you put all your muscle power together you would be able to lift 25 tons.
In When Charlie Chaplin became famous people started to make Charlie Chaplin look-alike contests, Charlie entered one him self in secret and became 3rd. A snail can sleep for three years. The electric chair was invented by a dentist. Mohamed is the most common name in the world. Around 9 million people share your birthday. Donald duck was banned in Donkeys kill more people then airplane accidents.
The Bible is the most-shoplifted book in the world
Dueling is legal in
The most popular condom sold in
President George W. Bush was once a cheerleader!
Women wishing to enter
The world’s youngest mother was 5 years old.
Take your height and divide by eight. That’s how “tall” your head is.