Monday, May 07, 2012

Yoda my ✰

ADOPTED  - May 2012

My new fostered baby cat - Yoda, little whiskered tiger.

His not a shy boy, though he's only 1 month old. He likes to discover, always ready for an enemy attack with super energy powers. He argues with strong meawing arguments when something is not right.When he's tired he loves to snuggle and purr. A true star in need of attention and affection.

He loves his litterbox and would never use anything else.

Sunday, May 06, 2012

"Summer of George"

Summer's basically around the corner - I already have my tan on.

Short term plans work better, so here's my 26th summer's list:
- foster kitties
- sun bath and splash in the Black Sea
- hike around in the mountains
- new places to discover: Romania
- concerts and festivals - OST, BestFest, ArtMania, DBE (Alba Iulia)
- go to the gym
- improve driving skills
- read and sleep :)

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Din carti

- Stii, ma gandeam daca nu cumva oamenii isi folosesc amintirile pe post de combustibil. Ca sunt importante sau nu, asta nu conteaza cand e vorba sa te mentii in viata. Sunt combustibili si atat. Ca e reclma de ziar, carte de filosofie, gravura erotica sau un teanc de bancnote de zece mii de yeni, daca le pui pe foc, toate sunt doar niste bucati de hartie. Focul nu se gandeste " Oho, asta e Kant", "Asta e Yomiuri, editia de seara" sau "Mama, ce tate are" cand le arde. Pentru el toate nu sunt nimic mai mult decta simple bucati de hartie, La fel si cu amintirile. Ca sunt importante, ca nu sunt importante, ca nu folosesc la nimic, toate sunt combustbil, fara nici o diferenta.

In noapte
Haruki Murakami