Tuesday, June 23, 2009

3 weeks at home

I'm packing again...as much as I wanted my internship to be in Bucharest...the city didn't seem to agree with my plans, and threw me again in Europe. This time: Madrid. Ah...the capital of Spain...good weather, good food, good music and a very good vibe, or at least this is what I am expecting. My bag is was too small, again...and I have to fit in all these fancy dresses and high heel shoes...because in Madrid I will have to be another me...not fake, this is not fake at all...I will just learn how to be stiff and diplomatic. A valuable lesson, I think, because I talk too much and too insignificant. If in winter I learned the valuable lesson of trusting love, now I learned the one about trusting friendships and I am honestly a bit disappointed and sorry to have went in a pile of garbage, but I just like to be honest to myself and have the right facts, I am official apologising to everyone I confused in my short 3 weeks...and Madrid will be a good way to settle everything. I am no longer mad and I deleted my upset mood writings...I am blending in.

3 weeks in Bucharest have been nothing but a blessing...I wonder if I would've done the same things, knowing that I will not be leaving again for 3 months, probably not. I fought and I cried, I danced and I smiled...I have a one day job at the Taiwan Trade Centrer  because money is too important to be ignored, even on holiday. My one day job turned into a two days job with a super nice Taiwanese woman. She didn't really use me for translations as it was panned but she was very nice and the payment worth it. I hope I will keep in touch with her...my other Taiwanese friend, Murri.

I've been to my favourite places, took a ride with a motorcycle and saw the mountains, rainbows, summer rain shower, thunders and lightning, which I missed for a whole year...I also missed watching all the crime solving TV shows on Discovery, Zone Reality...and the others I don't know their exact names. Not having a TV for a whole year sure left some marks on me, because I became totally impatient to watching TV and zapping from channel to channel.

Bucharest is better...as chaotic as it has always been, not only from a personal point of view...but what the heck it's the capital and I actually missed this. This time I wasn't shocked and didn't feel claustrophobic because of the windows of my room, but because of the stories around me. I returned willing to stay here in October and find a job, but the stories I've heard make my thoughts a little shaky...still I found an one day job and it wasn't hard...so I will try it first...hoping...still...Plan: return from Spain, find a job, move in alone or with somebody and try to survive...if I make it, this place is for me, if not...I will have to find something better.

I do miss Aarhus and look back at pictures from time to time. I know they will soon become only memories and some friends I have around the world…this is the weirdest experience I entered in my life and I feel I will be here for a pretty long time.

But now...a new trip...new cultural posts. I almost found a place to stay...as soon as I find it for sure, I will Google map it and put it on the leaving list :). I am uber excited...I pray that somebody will be at the airport tomorrow to pick me up.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Capote Truman

"...-Sarmana pisica, sarmanul natarau fara nume. E cam incomod ca n-are nume. Dar n-am nici un drept sa i-l dau; va trebui sa astepte pana cand va aprtine cuiva. Ne-am intalnit intr-o zi pe langa rau, dar nu apartinem unul altuia; e o fiinta independenta, ca si mine. Nu vreau sa posed nimic pana cand n-o sa simt ca mi-am gasit locul. Nu sunt prea sigura unde se afla acel loc, dar stiu cum trebuie sa arate - ca la Tiffany. Nu ca mi-ar pasa de bijuterii. Diamante, da, dar e cam ridicol sa porti diamante inainte sa implinesti patruzeci de ani [...] Riduri, oase, par alb si diamante. De-abia astept..."

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

The beginning

In a few hours I will be leaving Aarhus...and I am totally depressed. Not because I loved the city so much, but because I am sure that I will never see half of the people I met, never in my life again. I had the best days ever and even the weather was on my side. I can't decide on what I loved more about this place, but this semester was absolutely the best. I had work, school and tons of laughing...which for me makes a good life recipe.

I sold my bike today, exchanged my money, bought my train ticket and already said goodbye to some people...I have the worst feeling ever and I really hope that I will not be crying.

I took a bath in the sea for the last time...with clothes on because Diego was so nice to push me in.