So, yesterday evening I went to see this play called "The vagina monologues"...pretty famous, translated in 40 languages and enacted in 50 countries. I have to admit that the title intrigued me, and I loved saying it, and that's mostly because I live in a very bashful country, and like to see how people blush to such "shameful" word.
I asked a lot of people to join me and the reactions were laughter, big eyes or negative/ neutral impressions from those who saw it. Seeing it myself now, my impressions are exactly in opposition to all this.
This is a very educational text that reflects exactly on the bashfulness people have regarding the V word, but most importantly the way this shame affects women around the world...especially those in the very patriarchal areas of the world, but not only.
If you don't wanna see the play, read the will have drama, comedy and a bit of history based in real interviews, in just 100 something pages.