Last Friday I woke up with a sudden urge to go somewhere during the weekend. That's how the idea of visiting Craiova came up. It wasn't really as random as it may sound...but with was good serendipity.
Craiova was a surprise for me. I went there years ago for a translation job at Ford, but didn't actually visit it, so this can be considered my first time. A city full of linden trees, so you can imagine the smell surrounding you in most areas. A beautiful park and a newly renovated city center. It is not promoted as a touristic city at all, but it could be a good place to live in. Pretty quite, easy to get from one point to another, perfect place to have a bike and use it everyday, you have bars, clubs (not the best ever, but could be improved) and parks to go to.
Romania's smaller cities are poorly developed from the labour market's point of view and that's such a pity because these places could be a good place to enjoy life.