About a month ago I pined another city on my map - Zurich. Switzerland does not sound like a very promising land to me. I see it like a suited up country with a very German life style.
That's why I was not that anxious to be there. I thought it would be just another Germanic style city, with a few things to visit - most of all Protestant churches.
During the conference I didn't have so much time to visit around, except for the night when we had our client event. I have to say that by that time I already concluded that they just became my second favourite country on the food map - delicious dishes. My first glimpse of the city left me with the feeling of being part of a very well done painting. A painting that did not have human life in it - but very good looking buildings. Close to what I was expecting, but once the sunny weekend came, the German like city became very Italian.
Swiss people are a really good mix of hard work and leisure. I am still surprised to say that I enjoyed the city more than I expected. Their suits go off during the weekend and they reveal tattooed bodies, and a mix of personalities. The best frame I captured is that of two young couples in the park. The ones on the right were very romantic - he was playing the guitar for her and the one on the left were very though - he was doing push ups next to her.
Not to mention the beauty of the city....it definitely went between my top cities to live in...